2017 University games
Minister sets the podium
Bamenda SIC/UDs-22/04/17.The 2017 edition of the University games in Bamenda which some months ago seemed a dream has now become a reality. Gathered under the theme 2017 University games: 20 years of promoting talents for National Development, Peace, Unity and the Emergence of Cameroon ,The weeklong sporting jamboree which commenced this day 22nd of April 2017 will be a forum for exposition of talents and skills of the young athletes of the 19 Universities present for the competition. The official opening ceremony witnessed the presence of State officials, religious and traditional heads, University authorities, athletes and other participants present for the event first of its kind to be hosted by the University of Bamenda. After the arrival of the Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic orders Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo at 12.30 am , the ball was then set rolling for the ceremony. Mr. Tanjong Martin, Lord Mayor of the Tubah Council expressed gratitude for the massive participation of athletes and institutions in this sporting event held under his district. He made known his ardent wish for peace and harmony in the nation through the games. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Bamenda, Prof Akenji Nkuo Theresa in a touching speech made it clear that the Minister`s choice of University of Bamenda to host the games was not an error and their acceptance to do so was not a mistake. With gratitude she revealed the fact that the Olympic stadium in which the opening ceremony was held existed as fallout of hosting the games. The VC then invited all to feel at home as they cheer the athletes in demonstrating their talents in the various disciplines. The Regional Director of MTN, one of the main sponsors of the games equally gave her encouragements for this initiative which promotes national peace and integration. The President of FENASU, Prof Amvam Zollo lauded the efforts of the 11 disciplines plus fans club, 2362 athletes, 164 trainers, 260 officials and over a hundred head of delegations. With the objective to attain the apex of success this edition of the games had as innovation, the marathon race and the march for Unity.
Minister of Education lauds athletes.

An epitome of unity during the opening ceremony
The Minster of Higher Education, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo in his poetic speech expressed gratitude to the athletes, corner stones of the University games, The VC of UBa, the academic guru and all who put hands on deck to bring the event to the lime of day. He unveiled the idea that this year, a special innovation baptized the Cameroonian Student genius Exposition will be awarded to meritorious students alongside outstanding athletes of the various sporting disciplines. The Minister seized the opportunity to reassure students of the presidential gift of 500,000 laptops promised to students. He made it clear that the biometric list is been constituted and every effort is put in place to ensure the gift is given to the students this 2017 academic year. He then called on the athletes to use the opportunity of the games to shine, demonstrate skills , talents and strive for peace.
Expression of Unity in Diversity

Cultural display of diversity
One aspect that marked the 20th edition of the University games in Bamenda witnessed from the first day of event was a showcase of great talents and skills revealed by the performance of the fans club and choreographers. Unity in diversity was expounded by the fans club of the competing universities through their choreographic dances which bringing out messages of the need of education, decrying social ills, promoting values like success as exhibited during the AFCON games. The University of Dschang through their fan’s club with their mascot the pig (Donfack) through their performance joined hearts with the Cameroonian nation to show sympathy for the lost souls of the Eseka Train accident. What equally stood outstanding was the choreography demonstrated by the University of Bamenda students with Lili the Mascot of the female AFCON games in full demonstration. The rich performance of this group of young people was not only entertaining but also edifying in nature. During their performance which preceded the hoisting of the flag, lighting of Olympic game torch by Yvonne Ngwanya, champion of the just ended mountain race competition, the choreographers in their artistic display made known through posters, the different competing disciplines, the list of universities haven hosted the university games and activities marking the unity and diversity of Cameroon. The 20th edition of the University games with no doubt started on a good footing showing insinuating pleasant surprises to be unveiled within the next seven days of the competition./