2017/2018 academic reopening in UDs
The VC Projects on New Academic Year
Dschang UDs/SIC-10/11/17.One of the most awaited moments of the reopening ceremony of the academic year was the word from the head of the institution. The Vice, Chancellor Prof Tsafack Nanfosso, representative of the Minister of Higher Education during the ceremony, thrilled the crowd with his brilliant and explicit speech. After thanking all and offering a minute of silence for the departed souls, The VC highlighted with joy the academic, numerical increase witnessed yearly from 2014 till date. With a high number of 14,447 newly registered students for this year giving a total number of 30,572 students the VC still enjoined girls to become more interested in education so as to step up the 41.72% witnessed so far. With major achievements in the academic domain like restructuring of the BMD system, the promotion in grade for lecturers (74) last year, the VC equally expressed the need for more of such progress to meet up with the training of youths. Concerning perspectives for the 2017/2018 academic year, the VC pledged to follow the footsteps of his predecessors while increasing innovations through visibility on social media. He reminded all of the 7 governing pillars of the University in academic, financial, social, numerical, heuristic and security domains which he intends to strengthen. The VC gave highlights on what has been achieved in these domains calling on investors to step in as the 410 rooms with 432 beds and 462 Mini cites with 7121 rooms in Dschang campus and town respectively cannot meet up with the needs of the students. He also mentioned the inadequacy in feeding as the 2200 plates of food served daily in the Dschang campus is insufficient for the number of students present. After a detail presentation of the life of the University and its branches, Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso called on all to put hand in glove, imbibe the spirit of working together so as to keep the University of Dschang at the top. GC