2017/2018 Inter school games
Private institutions show their prowess
Dschang, UDs/SIC-10/01/18. For the first time ever some private institutions of learning such as SIANTOU, IUG, ISG, ISPB, ISMTA and IUES were part of the inter school competition organized by the University of Dschang. In the classification table, Siantou and IUG emerged 3rd and 4th respectively with 10 medals each, 5 goal, 5 silver for Siantou and 4 goal, 6 silver medals for IUG. ISG and ISPB ranked 10th and 11th position respectively with 1 silver medal each while ISMTA and IUES ended the competition with no medals. IUG clinched first position in the singing competition and orchestral music. Siantou clinched first prize in ball room dance, Tennis, judo, power lifting Paralympic sports and had the best athletics in both categories of the Paralympic sports. IUG had the best fans club with Siantou coming second Nonetheless, IUES despite winning a medal emerged with the trophy of fair play in the competition.