2019 Dschang Games village
The ambience of the University Games is usually felt from the radiant and bustling nature of its Games village which has traditionally been centralized. This year’s games village is segmented into 4 zones. Zone 1 hosting enterprises, Zone 2 harbors the gastronomy and restoration section, Zones 3 and 4 comprise the animation and exposition segment. The Games’ Village is open to the public free of charge from 8 am to 8pm and gives access to the exhibition fair, animations and various competitions. As the clock ticks, more and more tents are being mounted. Access to the fair for exhibition and sales of products is through paid subscription or exhibition fee. Exceptionally, the closing time of the Village may be extended beyond 8pm if there are concerts or other activities. Mobile toilets have been provided at the sites. General security is planned, but it is up to each participant to ensure the safety of their goods in their private stand. Exhibitors are recommended to use fireproof materials for the decoration of their stands. All the restaurateurs will have to present on request the original of their invoice as well as a medical certificate to be established at the MSC (Central medical center) of the University of Dschang. Restaurant owners must be in possession minimum necessities including; 20 liters of water for hand washing, Soap, hand sanitizer, Silicone gloves, Detergents for washing kitchen utensils. Various gastronomic dishes are being prepared at the game’s village with a high influx of visitors clamoring to get a taste of the special recipes. /
par Ludovic Pountougnigni