2020 Uni-Ranking
UDs amongst 1st 200 varsities in Africa
Dschang-UDs/SIC- 29/10/2020.The University of Dschang is lauded once more by the International community for its landmark as it is ranked 1st in Cameroon, 6th in French Sub-Saharan African and 177th in Africa by the 4ICU ranking of first 200 universities in Africa from the 1,225 officially recognized higher-education. Being the first National University also in the July ranking of Webomatrics, the University of Dschang again occupies the first position in the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) and the Economic community of Central African States (ECCAS). The ranking of the World’s Universities by 4ICU is based on different criteria, amongst others online presence and their impact analyzed by search engines. Visibility, presence and excellence on the web are used as indicators to measure the overall performance of universities. Of particular importance, the top 200 recognized institutions in Africa for the year 2020 considered particular criteria; The University must be a chartered, licensed and or accredited by the appropriate Higher Education –related Organization of the country of origin, offering at least four under graduate degrees (bachelor degrees) or postgraduate degrees (Masters or Doctoral degrees) and delivering courses predominantly in a traditional, face to face, non-distance education format. Since 2004, this classification is performed twice a year (January and July) but surprisingly in October for the 2020 Academic year. The essence of these criteria is to promote the presence of Universities on the Web which contributes to quality assurance, an open access initiative to transfer knowledge from the University to the University environs. Emphasis is stressed on societal impact which commences from the immediate, National as well as the International Community. Thus the presence of a University on the internet is a reflection of its investment in Education, research, its International Prestige, its link with its community as well as its economic and industrial sector. However, in French Sub-Saharan Africa, the University of Cheikh Anta Diop of Senegal occupies 1st position and is classified 33rd in Africa, University of Gaston Berger of Senegal 2nd and classified 113rd in Africa, University of Ouaga I JosephKi-Zerbo of Burkina Faso 3rd and ranked 152nd in Africa, University of Abomey-Calavi of Benin 4th and occupies 154th position in Africa, the University of Lome 5th and 169th in Africa, and the University of Dschang 6th. The African ranking is dominated by South African Universities with the first 7 universities with University of Cape Town 1st, University of Pretoria 2nd and University of the Witwatersrand 3rd among others. It is worth mentioning that uniRanks’ aim is to provide a non-academic League Table of the top Universities in each African country based on valid, unbiased and non-influenceable web metrics provided by independent web intelligence sources rather than data submitted by the Universities themselves. For the academia, the University of Dschang remains at the forefront, with much already done and much yet to be desired. LD