20th May 2017 celebrations
UDs echoes voice of unity
Dschang.SIC/UDs 20/05/17.The 2017 edition of the National Day was celebrated in grand style by the population of the Menoua Division on May 20th under the theme, ‘Army and the nation in full Synergy for a Cameroon, united in its diversity and devoted to the ideals of peace, stability and prosperity’ .The Senior Divisional Officer for Menoua Mr. Balungeli Confiance Ebune with other administrative, academic, religious and traditional rulers, answered present to commemorate the occasion. After speeches in line with the theme and decoration of some outstanding patriots by the SDO, the march pass proper officially started at 11.00 am with the arm force and police. Being its 45th edition, people born in 1972 marking 45years after the Unification of French and English Cameroon marched along with candles to symbolize the anniversary. As proof of diversity and integration, the Non- Cameroonian population from various CEMAC countries mostly students of the University of Dschang joined in the march pass. The turn then came for the Primary; Secondary and Higher institutes of learning both from the private and public sectors. Political parties and other cultural groups also marked their presence to give the day the glamour it deserves. Pupils of the primary schools could be seen chanting patriotic songs with lyrics ‘Let’s celebrate our day in Unity, tolerance and togetherness’ .The University of Dschang as usual imposed its presence not only numerically but through the diverse actions presented. With over 400 students with various attires ranging from sport wears to suits, and African fabric from the temple of learning marched through the ceremonial ground amidst great applause guided by music offered by the university fanfare. Various institutions and branches of the University of Dschang were present with banners written in both English and French and carrying messages in line with the theme for the year. Students from FASA were present with agricultural tools, with the banner “ L’Université de Dschang en harmonie avec la Nation pour un Cameroun uni dans sa diversité which was followed the majorette with their beautiful dance styles. The Faculty of Science came up with the message “L’Université de Dschang s’engage dans la construction d’une nation exemplaire, indivisible et fort’. Other messages like ‘L’Unité dans sadiversite; un atout majeur pour un Cameroun emergent’, Universite de Dschang attaché aux ideaux de paix; de stabilite et de prosperité pour un Cameroun emergent’ could be seen indicating the ideals of this great institution of learning represented nationwide. The University institute of Technology Fotso Victor marched pass carrying banners of their different courses offered, The Institute of Fine Arts IUT Foumban with its banner in English ‘In alliance with the Head of State, the Entire University pledges steps to national Unity’.
The CRESA branch of Nkolbissison followed and then the Ebolowa branch with their banner ‘Cameroonians are striving towards national Integration; the sole key to Unity; diversity; Stability and prosperity’. The newly created Bafia Annex then came up followed by medalists of the last FENASU games held in Bamenda. The fans club then tailed the throng with their choreographic marching styles. The 45th edition of the National day was in deed a great success in Dschang and that success was greatly contributed by the pride of the town which is its university. They joined hands with other groups in various aspects to give the event the honour it deserves. With such actions of solidarity and hard work, the Cameroonian nation is indeed heading on firm for more emergence; peace and stability. /GC