28th Annual Conference of the Cameroon Bio-Science Society (CBS)
UDs, a platform for multidisciplinary exchange on Green Economy
Dschang,UDs/SIC-2/12/21.Rallying over 350 participants from all the state universities in the country, the 28th Annual multidisciplinary conference of the Cameroon bioscience society was held under the theme engaging biosciences for a green and performing economy. The Conference slated take place from the 30th November to 4th December 2021 was held at the university Conference Center of the university of Dschang with the aim of bringing together leading academics, research scientists, students and policy-makers from Cameroon and abroad to exchange and share their knowledge, experiences and research results across a multidisciplinary setup, with emphasis on harnessing bio resources to ensure a green economy.
During the opening ceremony, the President of the Organizing committee, Prof Emmanuel Sopbue Fondjo in his welcome speech highlighted the values of the conference, the theme, and green economy activities models for sustainable development. He stated that the 28th session is aimed at overcoming the challenge of engaging biosciences for a green economy and this will be handled under 6 subthemes ranging from global health, agriculture and food security, environment and biodiversity among others. This edition of the annual conferences brings together 200 communications from various disciplines all geared at propelling green and performing economy.
Later, the President of the Cameroon Executive Bureau of Biosciences, Prof Boudjeko Thadde in his word expressed satisfaction for the mobilization of resources despite COVID 19. He stated that the theme was motivated by the management of biological resources. Indicating the values of future debates, presentations of interdisciplinary topics and pertinent recommendations during the conference which will help structure a blueprint in fostering green economy.
During the launching speech of the Vice Chancellor, who was represented by the technical Adviser, Prof Wansi Slyvie Lea, stated that the 28th annual conference is a noble mission to exchange within researchers, stimulate results between young researchers, vulgarize results and boost scientific animation. She reiterated that results in the various disciplines of participants will provide solutions to a better green economy implementation. The conference is a scientific manifestation encouraged by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Dschang, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso,… I encourage participants to project their scientific research… Implement the different results obtained at the end for a sustainable development of our country… she stated.The conference effectively kick started with an inaugural lesson by Prof Batcham on the Biocentric imperatives for global Green economies and later working sessions with the presentations of papers./