2nd phase of Distribution of PBHEV Computers
UDs 1st university to benefit from the Head of State
Dschang,UDs/SIC-6/01/20.Exceeding joy was expressed by the students and lecturers of the University of Dschang as they witnessed the official distribution ceremony of the Paul Biya Higher Education Vision (PBHEV) computers. The ceremony which is second of its kind at the citadel of knowledge took place at the University auditorium on Monday 6th of January 2020. Presided over by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dschang, Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso, ten students from each school and faculty for 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 batches of UDs symbolically received their computers from the VC with great admiration from the many students who filled the auditorium. Before the distribution proper the representative of students, Bopda Kaptue Frank Ulrich from the Faculty of Science immensely thanked the Head of State for the great gift which came timely to solve the financial and academic problems encountered by students owing to the absence of a computer system. Being one of the beneficiaries of the first batch of computers the Student delegate with much certainty outlined the desirable qualities of the PBHEV computers as concerned its size, storage and backup capacity. On behalf of the students, the student delegate promised to take good care of the computers for solely academic purposes.
The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso on his part, made it known that the presidential gift of computer came as a special youth plan prescribed by the Head of State on the 27th of July 2017 during a convention destined to extend ICT in Cameroon known as E-national Higher Education. With a vision of 1 student 1 computer, the Head of State gave out 500,000 computers for students. The VC greatly satisfied with the process outlined the different phases that now resulted to the distribution of the PBHEV computers. He mentioned the 17th of May 2017 during which a website list for the enrolment was created with 350 requests that had to be readjusted, the 17th of June 2017 date during which the online list was updated, the 23rd of June after the University games in Bamenda during which the 1st interview on the distribution process was granted by UDs and the 16th of July 2017 which saw the official distribution of the computers by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo at the University of Dschang. The VC equally seized the opportunity to applaud Prof. Nkenglifack for spearheading the technical formula for the distribution of the computers nationwide. As concerns statistics and practical modalities evolving around the distribution of the computers, Prof. Nanfosso unveiled the fact that 19,399 students were eligible to receive the computers which will after the ceremony be given at their different faculties and schools. He encouraged students to visit the university Cyberium to have the batteries of their computers boosted and for other maintenance purposes. The VC was equally stated that the University of Dschang still stands as the leading University in the distribution of this second phase of distribution of the PBHEV computers. He encouraged all to work to maintaining this top position as many other facilities are underway to ease digital communication at the University of Dschang with a digital center already constructed and in the nation at large./GC