36th Administrative Council session
Board chair lauds progress
Dschang,SIC/UDs-23/06/17. The board chair of the University of Dschang, Prof. Sammy Beban Chumbow in his introductory speech during the 36th senate assembly at the chancellery conference lauded the institution’s strides over the year. He felicitated the Vice chancellor and his collaborators for the timely budgetary council session held in December 2016 that met with the expected regulations. Prof. Beban applauded the progress made after the consultative committee of university institutions for the year 2016 which saw the promotion of 78 lectures out of 470 staff of the institution (36 assistant lecturers changed grade to Senior lecturers, 24 to Associate professors and 14 Associate professors to full grade professors). The board chair hailed distinct staff who received meritorious awards such as Prof Fonteh Florence who was awarded the prize of the feminine academic of excellence, Dr. Talla Fokam who won first prize in the category of “thesis” of CIDIMES, Prof. Tangka Julius, a laureate of the All Africa post-harvest technologies and innovations challenge 2017 organized by the World Food Preservation Center and the University of Kenya. He congratulated the prize of best research article by the Research Unit of Biology and Applied Ecology (LABEA) of the institution that won the 2017 Fish Veterinary Society with authors like Jeannette Tombi, Josue Wabo Pone, Paul Christaian Dongmo, Jeannette Yondo, Getrude Mbongning Tayo and Marc Ngangout Alidou under the supervision of Prof. Mpoame Mbida. The selection of two departments of the Faculty of Sciences to be part of the 59 world beneficiaries of the Seeding lab’s project was highlighted and praised by the board chair. It was worth mentioning that during the general report on the evaluation of Faculties of Higher education in Cameroon for the year 2016, the Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences ranked first in its category. As such the board chair encouraged the deans to continue with such spirit “I encourage you to strategise to achieve that. It is within the realm of possible”.
The assembly echoed rounds of applauds as the board chair presented his appointment as the President elect of the African Academy of languages (ACALAN), a think tank of the African Union in charge of linguistics and cultural policies.
Prof. Beban Sammy Chumbow hailed the VC’s initiative of setting up an Institutional Research Support Fund (FIAR) and the incubation project (Cati2). He appreciated the increase in number of private institutions under the tutelage of UDs from 27 to 30. The board chair expressed satisfaction with the medals clinched at the just concluded 2017 university games held in Bamenda and the press conference presented by the Vice chancellor on the 500,000 laptops offered by the Head of State. He concluded by enjoining all to promote the spirit of collective dynamism/