47th session of the Senate
Recommendations and resolutions set for the ACM
,DschangUDs/SIC-17/12/20.The University of Dschang held its 47th Senate session on the 17th December 2020 in a bid to safeguarding the quality of its higher education tenets with discussions on an 11-point agenda. During the session, the minutes of the 46th Senate session of July 2020, resolutions and recommendations of the 7th Management Board session of the University Institute of Technology Fotso Victor were approved. The scientific animation atmosphere that characterized the campuses was applauded; with 3 colloquia, 4 Major conferences, 2 Fora, 7 workshops held among others with a strict academic follow up in conformity with the academic calendar.
Academic statistics indicated that so far 18,125 registered for this academic year as compared to last year’s 26,982 students registered. It was emphasized that entry into the PG cycle was strictly in line with the regulatory texts from the Ministry of Higher Education taking into consideration 3 key values; the capacity for supervision, capacity to retain, and payment capacity. The corps of lecturers during the Consultative Committee of State Universities of November 2020 obtained a success rate of 62.68% with 67 candidates presented 5 Assistant lecturers changed to Senior lecturers, 19 Senior lecturers changed to Associate Professors, 26 Associate Professors changed to Full Professors marking a significant increase to magisterial ranks.
Satisfaction expressed with the 1st Olympiads (OUC) prize of CAMES clinched by a student of the University of Dschang, Djukem Fenguia Sylvia Noelle , a vital partnership agreement signed between REESIRAC and CEAC, and honorary title conferred on the late icon Fotso Victor by CAMES as Commander of the International Orders of Academic honours for services rendered to higher education. A review of the admission text and adoption of the registration quota into Masters and Doctorate programs at the Post graduate school for the 2021/2022 academic year was discussed and a progress report of activities of 2020/2021 of UDs was presented alongside the examining and approval of some training programmes of certain faculties like the Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in Bachelor and Professional Masters programmes.
The renewals of contracts of some assistant lectures were tabled as well the promotion in grade and advancement in echelon by some lecturers of the Institution. The special recruitment 2nd phase was discussed as well as measures to obtain the best PhD thesis in the University and areas on the improvement of professionalization. At the end of the session the CEO Life Time Media Group Mr. Tim FINNIAN and Mr. Roland TAMUKONG, CEO World Echoes NP of The Life Time Achievement Award for Nation Builders presented an award to the Vice-Chancellor, as Rector of the year and a plaque of Price of Excellence, Gold category for his excellence in management of the University of Dschang through the implementation of meaningful reforms and good governance for the year 2019/2020. /