UDs sets the pace for brainstorming
1st multidisciplinary colloquium on Cyber criminality and cyber security in Cameroon and Africa
Yaoundé,SIC/UDs-07/05/21.The 2-day and ever 1st multidisciplinary colloquium held at the Conference Center in Yaoundé from the 6th – 7th May 2021 organized by the University of Dschang under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education rallied over 300 participants and 53 experts from the diplomatic corps, government organs , professionals and cyber security agents, specialized enterprises, researchers among others to brain storm on the multidisciplinary question on cyber criminality and cyber security in Cameroon and Africa .Organized by the University of Dschang under the patronage of the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education it had as technical partners the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Finance.. The colloquium prepared under the general supervision of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Dschang, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso was assisted by the Dean of the FLPS and the Director of the University Institute of Technology Fotso Victor and had as scientific director the UDs Registrar, Prof Guy Mvelle. Through a dialogue between experts, researchers and security agents, practicing on cyber security and cyber criminality, and among the disciplines in ICT and social sciences, multiply perspectives, analyses and holistic solutions of cyber security and cyber criminality were key for debate. 3 key moments marked the colloquium which were the opening ceremony workshop sessions, and the closing ceremony.
During the opening ceremony, the Mayor of Yaoundé 2, in his welcome speech, appreciated all participants and gave a vivid picture of his council.
The Council Chair of UDs, Prof Paul Celestin Ndembiyembe on his part recognized the support of the MINESUP, MINPOSTEL and MINFI. The SG as the scientific director of the colloquium presented his inaugural lesson on the theme: Cyber criminality and cyber security as an object of research: stakes on recent research. During which he insisted notably on the global judicial character of the theme in Africa and the need to renew, expand in the phase of a plural disciplinary perspective.
The Vice-Chancellor on his part situated the context of the colloquium. He stated that the colloquium is part of scientific role animated by the university of Dschang. He insisted that it was in prelude of a creation of a Masters programme in Cyber Criminality, Cyber Security and Security Governance in the University of Dschang. He emphasized that the delocalization was justified by the presence of a conglomerate of agents and cyber security stakeholders in the State capital Yaoundé.
The Minister of Post and Telecommunications Mme Libom Li Likeng took the floor, and stressed the political strategy implemented by the government on the fight against cyber criminality and cyber security. To her, the colloquium is timely as it fits in the governmental framework and prescription of the Head of State for the promotion of awareness on cyber criminality and the need to be responsible in the use of social networks. As such one of the objectives of the cybercrime awareness is to give assurance, resilience and capacity necessary for a digital universe in rapid mutation.
The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education Prof Jacques FAME NDONGO in his launching speech thanked the university’s initiative in organizing such colloquium in a context where the Higher Education is engaged in a future project of E-National Higher Education after the signature of an agreement framework between MINESUP and CAMTEL which is aimed at the creation of a high debit connection , softwares upgrade , viable data collection as well as encourage pedagogic approach in teaching and distance education among others. The session ended with a family picture and interview by media officials and later a 4 segment programme of 7 workshop sessions. /