Installation ceremony of officials
No room for solitary adventures, states VC
Dschang/UDs/SIC, 09/06/2021.The installation ceremony of newly appointed officials of the University of Dschang took place on the 8th June 2021 at the University Auditorium-. It brought together dignitaries, from far and near and there was equally a massive turn out of members of the University community. This was in honour of the presidential decrees No 2021/300 of 26th May 2021 and decree No 2021/301 26th May 2021, the former appointing the Deputy Chancellor in charge of Research, Cooperation and Relation with the Business World in the person of Professor Wamba Henri formally the Secretary General of the University of Douala, who comes in to replace Prof Metou Brusil Miranda Martine .The latter came in to appoint the Technical Adviser to the Vice chancellor, Prof .Wansi née Ngnokam Youmsi Sylvie Léa previously Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs of the same University in replacement of Prof. Ngantchou Alexis. Mr.Atangana Edmond Jule Roch, Senior Revenue Service Inspector, previously Head of Administrative and Financial Division of the Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences of the University of Douala replacing Prof .Wansi née Ngnokam Youmsi Sylvie Léa comes in as the Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs. Prof Tchoupie Andre previously Director of Academic Affairs and Cooperation of the University of Douala comes as the Director of Academics and Cooperations to replace Prof .Wanda Robert. For the faculties, Prof .Gatsi Jean previously Head of the Teaching Staff in the University of Douala comes in as Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences to replace Prof .Modi Koko Bebey Henri Desire and finally Prof .Wandji George previously Head of Finance and Accounting Department of the same institution comes in as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management replacing Prof.Um née Ngouem Marie Thérèse.
On behalf of the University Community, the Vice Chancellor expressed his satisfaction to all who honoured the invitation despite the odds of the time .Amongst the post of those nominated by these presidential decrees, six (6) were new appointees and a renewal rate of the top management stands at 33.33% which is a very important move in every institution. He paid homage to the outgoing staff, and called on the incoming staff to take up the challenge in order to meet with the expectation of the public under the auspices of collective dynamism. The challenge to meet up with centers on Academics, Financial Administration, Research and Cooperation just to name. This calls for a swift coordination of Academic and Pedagogic activities as well as other aspects that need to be improved upon like the swift treatment of Administrative documents, elaboration and realization of budgetary activities following the laws put in place. There was equally a call on the prompt payment of salaries which needs to be a daily preoccupation. Respect of Academic activities was another important aspect that was mentioned that needs to follow the academic calendar. It is not surprising that these nominations have come up as the president relied on the moral and professional attitude of the newly nominated to meet with the challenges of the time. Collective dynamism he said, was the watchword referring to the spirit of togetherness, respect of hierarchy in a bid to attain expected result.
Emphatically he mentioned that “there’s no room for solitary adventures as we have to face the difficulties together, win the trophies together, and enjoy the fruits of our conquest together.” be an example and a model to one another through assiduity at work. After a wakeup call to all the members of the University Community, the Vice Chancellor proceeded in the official installation of the newly appointed. The outgoing officials were appreciated and presented with a gift from the university community through the Secretary General; Prof Guy Mvelle Mefinda .The head of the institution proceeded to grant a press interview to the media which was followed by a family picture with the members of the University Community to immortalize the event. L.D