Matching theory with practical
The Department of Geology, Mines and Petroleum storm the field
Dschang,UDs/SIC-28/06/21. As it is the routine each year in the Faculty of Science, students of the professional Masters course of the Department of Geology, Mines and Petroleum embarked on a field work experience after their course work. The kick off was on the 28th of June 2021at 6:00 am, with most of the students already rallied at the flag mast. This was under the watchful eyes of Prof Kagou Armand, the program coordinator. During a brief chat with the communication unit, he expressed gratitude to the entire university community, particularly to the Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences for the transportation facilities provided. The coordinator equally lauded the incessant support of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dschang Professor Roger Tsafack Nanfosso towards the Faculty. He made it known that the field work is for a period of one week approximately with visits to the West, East and the Littoral Regions of the country to crown the two years training exercise in this department aimed at exposing students to the realities in the field within this discipline. The 63 out of 64 students made the trip sadly due to the demise of one of them some months back during an internship exercise.
The coordinator was assured former students who now work in some of these companies they intend visiting, will welcome and provide the students with the information they wish to gather from the field. Visit to sites include, sites of petrol and gold extraction to witness the processing chain from the beginning to the end. The Coordinator reiterated that credit goes to the entire University of Dschang as it boasts not just of national but international recognition in the area of professionalization. The students expressed satisfaction on embarking on the trip, to Feunkem Landry one of the students, I am very elated to have been part of this opportunity and as all my friends will make the best out of the field work. Thus, matching theory to practical the students are poised on developing their professional skills through practical knowledge. L.D