Publications de l’IUT-FV de Bandjoun
Listes des travaux publiés, inventions, brevets, prix et distinctions des enseignants/chercheurs de l’IUT-FV de Bandjoun de l’Université de Dschang
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[thead] [tr] [th]Hauteur / Titre[/th] [/tr] [/thead]
[tr] [td]
- Prix et Distinctions
- Prix Scientifiques à l’international Année académique 2021
- Rodrigue Konan Tchinda et Clémentin Tayou Djamegni. SAT COMPETITION 2021: First Place award, “Main Track UNSAT”, July 09, 2020, SAT 2021, Barcelona.
- Rodrigue Konan Tchinda et Clémentin Tayou Djamegni. SAT COMPETITION 2021: First Place award, ‘PARALLEL Track SAT’, July 09, 2020, SAT 2021, Barcelona.
- Rodrigue Konan Tchinda et 3. Clémentin Tayou Djamegni. SAT COMPETITION 2021: First Place award, ‘PARALLEL Track ALL’, July 09, 2020, SAT 2021, Barcelona.
- Distinctions
Respirateur artificiel développé par l’équipe de Dr. Pascalin TIAM KAPEN et dont le projet de financement du prototypage été retenu par le MINMIDT.
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- Brevets
Deux (02) déclarations de brevets d’inventions obtenues avec Dr. CHIME Alex au terme de sa thèse de Doctorat soutenue à l’Université Paris 13. Il s’agit de :
(1) Micro organic opto-electronic device configured for high current density» (EP17306292.6), 2017
(2) Micro organic opto-electronic device configured for high current density» (EP17306292.8), 2017
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- Publications
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Année 2022
Jordan Valdès Sontia Metekong, Cyriaque Rodrigue Kaze, Adeyemi Adesina, Juvenal Giogetti Deutou Nemaleu, Jean Noel Yankwa Djobo, Patrick Ninla Lemougna, Thamer Alomayri, Elie Kamseu, Uphie Chinje Melo, Thomas Tamo Tatietse (2022). Infuence of Thermal Activation and Silica Modulus on the Properties of Clayey-Lateritic Based Geopolymer Binders Cured at Room Temperature. Silicon. Springer.
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Année 2021
Jordan Valdès Sontia Metekong, Cyriaque Rodrigue Kaze, Juvenal Giogetti Deutou, Paul Venyite, Achile Nana, Elie Kamseu, Uphie Chinje Melo, Thomas Tamo Tatietse (2021). Evaluation of performances of volcanic-ash-laterite based blended geopolymer concretes: mechanical properties and durability. Journal of Building Engineering; Elsevier vol 34 (2021) 101935.
Théodore Gautier I J Bikoko, Jean Claude Tchamba, Valentine Yato Katte, Sofiane Amziane, Felix Ndubisi Okonta, Thomas Tamo Tatietse (2021). Characterization of lightweight concrete impregnated with cement and Cameroonian charcoal as coarse lightweight aggregate. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET). IAEME Publication, pp 57-131.
Théophine Taghin Fotso, Isaac Yannick Bomeni, Thierry Constant Nie Noumsi, Thomas Tamo Tatietse, Nathalie Fagel (2021). Mineralogical and physicomechanical characterization of the raffia vinifera arecaceae stem as potential reinforcement of concrete. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Vol 10, Issue 3
Vianney Kengne Tchendji, Fabrice Mvah, Clémentin Tayou Djamegni, Yannick Florian Yankam (2021). Efficient Bayes Based Security Protocol against ARP Spoofing Attacks in SDN Architectures. Journal of Harware and Systems. Vol. 5(1): 58-74. Springer.
Janvier FOTSING, Narcisse TALLA TANKAM, Fabrice PEGOFFA, Théodore MBADJOIN NJINGANG, Glwadis KEUGONG MELI, Emmanuel TONYE (2021). Elaboration d’un SVA d’aide à l’éducation sous forme d’application mobile sur un réseau d’opérateur de télécommunications : recherche d’assistants pédagogiques à domicile, Mediterranean Telecommunications Journal, Vol. 11, N° 1, May 2021 ISSN : 2458-6765
Leger Bopda Youmissi, Narcisse Talla Tankam, Pascal Vagsag, Dina Taiwe Kolyang. (2021). Detection of breast pathologies in digital mammography images by thresholding and mathematical morphology, Mediterranean Telecommunications Journal, Vol. 11, N° 1, May 2021 ISSN: 2458-6765.
- A. Tangyie Evani, L. L. Atanga, E. Nforbi, E. Biloa, H. Ntonifor (2021). African Cultural Perspective in Social Entrepreneurism : De-Fossilizing Western Ideologies in Muhammad Yunus’ Mixed Concept Approach to Building Social Business, American International Journal of Social Science, vol. 7, N° 2.
Thierry Noulamo, Alain Djimeli Tsajio, Jean-Pierre Lienou, and Bernard Fotsing Talla (2021). A Multi-Agent Platform for the Remote Monitoring and Diagnostic in Precision Agriculture, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science ,.
François Achille Djontu Tajouo, Thiérry Noulamo, and Jean-Pierre Lienou (2021). Procedure for the Contextual, Textual and Ontological Construction of Specialized Knowledge Bases, EJECE, European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, DOI:, Vol. 5, No. 1,
G.F. Olinga Mbala, M.T. Ottou Abe, Z. Ntieche, Geh Wilson Ejuh, J.M.B. Ndjaka, Ab initio investigation of nonlinear optical, electronic, and thermodynamic properties of BEDT-TTF molecule: doping with boron. Heliyon 7 (2021) e07461.
- Fouejio, R.A. Yossa Kamsi, Y. Tadjouteu Assatse, Geh Wilson Ejuh, J.M.B. Ndjaka (2021). DFT studies of the structural, chemical descriptors and nonlinear optical properties of the drug dihydroartemisinin functionalized on C60 fullerene. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1202, 113298.
- A. Njeumen, Geh Wilson Ejuh, Y. Tadjouteu Assatse, R. A. Yossa Kamsi, J. M. B. Ndjaka (2021). Computational studies of reactivity descriptors, electronicand nonlinear optical properties of multifunctionalized fullereneylide with acetylsalicylic acid. Journal of Molecular Modeling 27:165
- Mainimo, Geh Wilson Ejuh, J. B. M. Ndjaka (2021). Metal modulated effects on the optoelectronic and charge transport properties of some ptimiza nanoribbons. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 53 (199),.
- D. Désiré Mveme, F. Tchangnwa Nya, Geh Wilson Ejuh, J.M.B (2021). A density functional theory (DFT) study of the doping ptimi on 4‑[2‑(2‑N, N‑dihydroxy amino thiophene) vinyl] benzenamine. SN Applied Sciences, 3 (317), (2021).
Signing, V. F., Fonzin, T. F., Kountchou, M., Kengne, J., & Njitacke, Z. T (2021). Chaotic Jerk System with Hump Structure for Text and Image Encryption Using DNA Coding. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 1-37. (
Clotaire Thierry Sanjong Dagang, Godpromesse Kenné and Fombu Andrew Muluh (2021) “Fuzzy logic direct torque/power control for self-excited induction generator driven by a variable wind speed turbine.” Internaltional journal of dynamics and control, Springer Editor, DOI: 10.1007/s40435-020-00709-9.
Beaudelaire Saha Tchinda, Daniel Tchiotsop, Michel Noubom, Valrie Louis-Dorr, Didier Wolf (2021). «Retinal blood vessels segmentation using classical edge detection filters and the neural network». Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 23 100521, Elsevier Ltd.
Léandre Kamdjeu Kengne, Yannick Pascal Kamdeu Nkandeu, Justin Roger Mboupda Pone, Alain Tiedeu, Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin (2021). Image encryption using a novel ptimiz jerk circuit with adjustable symmetry. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications. Janvier 2021 1-32. https ://
Kengne, Léandre ; Mboupda Pone Justin Roger, Hilaire, Fotsin (2021). Symmetry and asymmetry induced dynamics in a memristive twin-T circuit. International Journal of Electronics. TAYLOR AND FRANCIS
Kengne, Léandre Kamdjeu, Justin Roger Mboupda Pone, and Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin (2021). On the dynamics of chaotic circuits based on memristive diode-bridge with variable symmetry: A case study Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. ELSEVIER
Arnaud F. Tchouani Njomo, Lionel Leroy Sonfack, Godpromesse Kenne (2021). “Nonlinear Neuro-Adaptive Control for MPPT applied to Photovoltaic Systems”, Springer, Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, https//
Alex Stéphane Kemnang Tsafack, Cyrille Ainamon, Andre Cheukem, Sifeu Takougang Kingni, Justin Roger Mboupda Pone, Godpromesse Kenne (2021). “Control of coexisting and chaotic attractors in brushless direct current motor”, Springer, Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, vol.32, pp.472-481.
Mathieu Jean Pierre Pesdjock, Justin Roger Mboupda Pone, Daniel Tchiotsop, Marc Rostand Douanla, Godpromesse Kenné (2021). “Minimization of harmonics currents injected for grid connected photovoltaic systems using duty-cycle modulation technique”, Springer, International Journal of Dynamic and Control, https//
Jean de Dieu Nguimfack-Ndongmo, Godpromesse Kenne, René Kuaté Fochié, Arnaud F. Tchouani Njomo, Eustace Mbaka Nfah (2021). “Adaptive Neuro-Synergetic control technique for SEPIC Converter in PV Systems”, In Press, Springer, International Journal of Dynamic and Control.
Yemeli Wenceslas Koholé, Fodoup Cyrille Vincelas Fohagui, Ghislain Tchuen (2021). Flat-Plate Solar Collector Thermal Performance and Optimal Operation Mode by Exergy Analysis and Numerical Simulation. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 46:pp1877–1897.
Talla Konchou Franck Armel, Pascalin Tiam Kapen, KenfackMagnissob, Youssoufa Mohamadou, Tchinda Réné (2021).Prediction of wind speed profile usingtwoartificial neural network models: an ab initio investigation in the Bapouh’s city, Cameroon. International Journal of EnergySector Management.
Pascalin Tiam Kapen, Njingang Ketchate Cédric Gervais, Fokwa Didier, Tchuen Ghislain (2021). Linearstabilityanalysis of (Cu-Al2O3)/water hybridnanofluid flow in porous media in presence of hydromagnetic, smallsuction and injection effects. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 60(1): pp1525-1536.
Pascalin Tiam Kapen, Fogang Ferdinand, Tchuen Ghislain (2021). Application of TV-HLL scheme to multidimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamic flows. ShockWaves, In Press .
Pascalin Tiam Kapen, Njingang Ketchate Cédric Gervais, Fokwa Didier, Tchuen Ghislain (2021). Instability of hydromagneticCouette flow for hybrid nanofluid through porous media with small suction and injection effects. International journal of numerical methods for heat and fluid flow, In Press .
Pascalin Tiam Kapen, Njingang Ketchate Cédric Gervais, Fokwa Didier, Tchuen Ghislain (2021). Linear stability analysis of non-Newtonian blood flow with magnetic nanoparticles: Application to controlled drug delivery. International journal of numerical methods for heat and fluid flow, In Press.
Nemogne, R. L. F., Wouagfack, P. A. N., Nouadje, B. A. M., & Tchinda, R (2021). Multi-objective optimization and analysis of performance of a four-temperature-level multi-irreversible absorption heat pump. Energy Conversion and Management, 234, 113967.
Medjo Nouadje, B. A., Ngouateu Wouagfack, P. A., Fossi Nemogne, R. L., Tiam Kapen P., & Tchinda, R (2021). Exergetic ptimization of a four-temperature-level absorption heat pump based on finite-time thermodynamics. International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 1-32.
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Année 2020
Jean Calvin Sangou, Joseph Kenfack, Urbain Nzotcha, Thomas Tamo Tatietse (2020). Assessment of the potential for electricity savings in househods in Cameroon. A stochastic frontier approach. Energy; Elsevier. Vol 211, 118576.
Flavien Guetsa Kamanou, Thomas Tamo Tatietse, Denis Ntamack (2020). Mechanical behaviour and treatment of sensitive soils to water in road construction in Equatorial areas: case of clayey sands of coastal regions of Cameroon. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. Vol 10, Issue 2,
Kemnang Tsafack A.S., Mboupda Pone J.R., Cheukem A., Kengne R., Kenne G. 2020. Coexisting attractors and bursting oscillations in IFOC of 3-phase induction motor, Springer Edition, The European Physical Journal-Special Topics (EPJ-ST), EDP Sciences 229 (6-7): pp989–1006.
Atangana R., Tchiotsop D., Kenné G., Djoufack Nkenfack L (2020). Suitable mother wavelet selection for EEG signal analysis: frequency bands decomposition and discriminative features selection, Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ) 11(1). [online] URL: doi: 10.5121/sipij.2020.11104.
Fouodji Tsotsop M., Kengne J., Kenné G., Tabekoueng Njitacke Z (2020). Coexistence of multiple points, limit cycles, and strange attractors in a simple autonomous hyperjerk circuit with hyperbolic sine function, Hindawi publication, Complexity, Special Issue: Complexity, Dynamics, Control, and Applications of Nonlinear Systems with Multistability.
Pesdjock M. J. P., Mboupda Pone J.R., Kenné G., Sonfack L.L (2020). Contribution of synergetic control to the minimization of harmonics currents injected for grid connected photovoltaic systems, Springer, SN Applied Sciences 2:1396.
Kenmogne F., Djoufack Z.I, Foadieng E., Fokwa D., Yemélé D (2020). Quantum compacton and quantum peakon in Heisenberg ferromagnetic chains with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions. Phys. Scr.
Djoufack Z.I., Nguenang J.P., Kenfack-Jiotsa A (2020). Quantum breathers and intrinsic localized excitations in an isotropic ferromagnet with octupole–dipole interaction; Physica B: 598, 41243.
Tala-Tebue E., Deffo G. R., Yamgoue S.B., Kenfack-Jiotsa A., Pelap F.B (2020). Monoatomic chain: modulational instability and exact traveling wave solutions, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135:715.
Kamdoum Tamba V., Feudjio E.R., Kapche Tagne F., Noumbissie Fankam J., Fotsin H.B (2020). Crisis event, hysteretic dynamics inducing coexistence of attractors and transient chaos in an autonomous RC hyperjerk like-chaotic circuit with cubic nonlinearity, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 229, pp1189-1210.
Kamdoum Tamba V., Kom G.H., Kingni S.T., Mboupda Pone J.R., Fotsin H.B (2020). Analysis and electronic circuit implementation of an integer and fractional-order four-dimensional chaotic system with offset boosting and hidden attractors, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 229, pp1211-1230.
Zango Nkeutia S., Kamdoum Tamba V., Talla P.K (2020). Hysteretic dynamics inducing coexistence of attractors in a thin magnetostrictive actuator system with ptimiz nonlinearity, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 507 166858.
Kingni S.T., Ainamon C., Kamdoum Tamba V., ChabiOrou J.B (2020). Directly modulated semiconductor ring lasers: Chaos synchronization and applications to cryptography communications” Chaos Theory and Applications, 2 (1): 31-39.
Ngamsa Tegnitsap J.V., Fotsin H.B., Kamdoum Tamba V., Megam Ngouonkadi E. B (2020). Dynamical study of VDPCL oscillator: antimonotonicity, bursting oscillations, coexisting attractors and hardware experiments, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135:591.
Miwadinou C. H., Monwanou A. V., Hinvi L. A., Kamdoum Tamba V., Koukpemedji A. A., ChabiOrou J. B (2020). Nonlinear oscillations of nonlinear damping gyros: Resonances, hysteresis and multistability, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30, pp1-14.
Sifeu Takougang Kingni, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, SerdarCicek, Cheukem A., Kamdoum Tamba V., Fautso Kuiate G (2020). Dynamical analysis, FPGA implementation and its application to chaos based random number generator of a fractal Josephson junction with unharmonic current-phase relation, The European Physical Journal B 93:44, pp1-11.
Tala-Tebue E., Tetchoka-Manemo C., Hadi Rezazadeh, Ahmet Bekir, Yu-Ming Chu (2020). Optical solutions of the (2 + 1)-dimensionalhyperbolicnonlinearSchrodingerequationusingtwodifferentmethods, Results in Physics, Elsevier 19 : 103514.
Keyangue Tchouata J.H., Gouafo C., Kamdjo G., Ngapgue F., Armand S. L. Wouatong (2020). Physical Characterization of Batie and Bandjoun-Djione Sands (West-Cameroon), Used in the Manufacture of Concrete: Improvement of Resistance to Compression. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 8, pp10-20.
Soup Teoua Ouagni M., Ngapgue F., Ngoh Koumi S., Soup Tewa Kammogne A., Kenmogne F (2020). Determination of Mechanical Properties of Compressible Soil in Littoral’s Region of Cameroon: Depths Study of Soils Bordering the Wouri River in Douala. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), pp. 139-151.
Masika Muhiwa G., Alinabiwe Nyamuhanga A., Muhindo WaMuhindo A., Kubuya Binwa P., Muhatikani T., Manjia M. B., Ngapgue F (2020). Concrete Based on Recycled Aggregates for Their Use in Construction: Case of Goma (DRC).Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 10, pp226-238.
Mbuh Moses Kuma, Kagou Dongmo, Ngapgue F., Mofor Nelson A., Manefouet B.E., Yamb E (2020). Compressed Stabilized Earth Brick (CSEB) As Building Construction Elements, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE),Volume 17, Issue 4 Ser. I, pp42-48.
Ngueumdjo Y., Wouatong A. S. L., Ngapgue F., Katte V.Y (2020). A petrographic, mineralogical, and geochemical characterization of the lateritic hardpans of Bamendjou in the western region of Cameroon. Springer Nature Applied Sciences.
Ngapgue F., Guimezap Kenou W.C., Keyangue Tchouata J.H., Willianov Keubou Tatapzia V., Mbeuteu Mbakop Y (2020). Geotechnical Identification and Classification of Soils as Flexible Pavement Subgrade of the Section FongoTongo-Melong. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PUBLISHING, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 8, pp183-200.
Mbuh Moses Kuma, Ngapgue F., Kagou Dongmo A., Mofor Nelson A., Penka J.B (2020). Modelling the thermomechanical ptimiza of earth bricks stabilized with Portland cement. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology; Vol. 7, Issue 10.
Keyangue Tchouata J.H., Gouafo C., Kamdjo G., Ngapgue F., Wouatong A.S.L (2020). Physical Characterization of Batie and Bandjoun-Djione Sands (West-Cameroon), Used in the Manufacture of Concrete: Improvementof Resistance to Compression.Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Vol.8 No.5. ISSN Online: 2327-6053, ISSN Print: 2327-6045
KEYANGUE TCHOUATA J.H., GOUAFO C., NGAPGUE F., WOUATONG A.S.L., KAMGANG KABEYENE BEYALA V (2020). Characteristics of alterites of Batie (west-Cameroon) sanpits asbackfill material. Journals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering ISSN-2347-9698. Volume 8 Issue 2. www.ijournal. Impact Factor: 4.528.
KEYANGUE TCHOUATA J.H., GOUAFO C., NGAKOUPAIN BACHIROU L., TAYPONDOU D., KEUNOU GUIMEZAP W., NGAPGUE F (2020). Geotechnical study of lateritic soils for the production of earth bricks (eb): case of the locality of meiganga (Adamaoua Cameroon). Ijournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering (IJSHRE), Volume 8 Issue 3.
KEYANGUE TCHOUATA J.H., MAMBOU L.L., GOUAFO C., FOADIENG E (2020). Model of the Evolution of the Modulus of Elasticity E, As A Function of the Bearing Capacity Index ICBR of Gravelly Laterites. Case of the Banka Locality (West Cameroon). International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced EngineeringWebsite: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 10, Issue 11.
Kenmoe O.R.M., Bomeni I.Y., Hyoumbi W.T., Ngapgue F., Wouatong A.S.L (2020). Petrographical and geomechanical assessment of Widikum and its surroundings’ geological formations (North-West Cameroon) as construction materials. SN Applied Sciences 2 (2082) DOI : 10.1007/s42452-020-03633-x
Nie Noumsi T.C., Taghin Fotso T., Kamdjo G., Ngapgue F (2020). Determination of the Typical Profile of the Land and of the Solicitations Acting on the Piles, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 2, ISSN: pp2319-7064.
Gnignindikoup I., Yota R., Sonkeng G (2020). Facteurs et pratiques de rétention des employés qualifiés dans la très petite entreprise camerounaise : un état des lieux, International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management & Economics, 1(3) : 422-436.
DUDJO Y.G.B., SONKENG G., TEKAM O.H (2020). « Alphabétisation et santé comme vecteurs de croissance économique au Cameroun », Repères et Perspectives Economiques, ISSN : 2509-0399, Vol.4, N° 6, pp160-191.
DUDJO Y.G.B (2020). « Capital humain et croissance économique au Cameroun » International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies ISSN 2028-9324 Vol. 29 No. 3, pp. 476-494.
Ganou, M. B. K., Ndapeu, D., Tchemou, G., Messan A., & Njeugna1 E., Courard L (2020). Challenge to enhance the value of the Cameroonian coastal earth: physical tests and mechanical characterization of earth material. 0123456789.
Ndapeu, D., Demze, A., Sikame T. N. R., Ganou, M. B. K., Defo N (2020). Characterization of a brake lining composite based on aiele fruit cores (canarium schweinfurthii) and palm kernel fibers (elaeis guineensis) with a urea-formaldehyde matrix. 11(5), pp1110–1117.
Ndapeu, D., Tamwo, F., Ganou Bernard, M., Koungang, N., Tchuen, G., Sikame T. N. R., Bistac, S., & Njeugna, E (2020). Elaboration and Characterization of a Composite Material Based on Canarium schweinfurthii Engl Cores with a Polyester Matrix, Materials Sciences and Applications, pp204–215.
Nkounhawa, P. K., Ndapeu, D., Kenmeugne, B., & Beda, T (2020). Analysis of the Behavior of a Square Plate in Free Vibration by FEM in Ansys. World journal of Mechanics, vol. 10, no 2, pp11–25.
Koungang, B. M. G., Ndapeu, D., Tchemou, G., Mejouyo, P. W. H., Ntcheping, B. W., Foba, J. T., Courard, L., & Njeugna, E (2020). Physical, Water Diffusion and Micro-Structural Analysis of “Canarium Schweinfurthii Engl.” Materials Sciences and Applications, 11(09), pp.626–643.
Ganou Koungang, B. M., Ndapeu, D., Tchuindjang, J. T., Ntcheping, B. W., Tchemou, G., Bistac, S., Njeugna, E., & Courard, L (2020). Influence of temperature on the creep ptimiza by macroindentation of Cocos nucifera shells and Canarium schweinfurthii cores (bio-shellnut wastes in Cameroon). Materials Research Express, 7(10), 105306.
Ndapeu, D., Yagueka, J. B. K., Nkemaja, E. D., Koungang, B. M. G., Fogue, M., & Njeugna, E (2020). Contribution to the Characterization of Palm Kernel Shell from Littoral, Cameroon. Materials Sciences and Applications, 11(10), 668–677.
Ndapeu, D., Bosco, J., Yagueka, K., Tamwo, F., Morino, B., Koungang, G., Fogue, M., & Njeugna, E (2020). Experimental and Analytical Study of Water Diffusion in Palm Kernel Shell of Cameroon. Pp.733–743.
Ndapeu D., Yagueka J. B. K., Nkemaja E. D., Koungang B. M. G., Fogue M., & Njeugna E (2020). Contribution to the Characterization of Palm Kernel Shell from Littoral, Cameroon. Materials Sciences and Applications, 11(10), pp.668–677.
Fokwa D., Poumegne kouam B., Huisken Mejouyo W., Tchemou G., Fogue M (2020). Tensile, Shear and Bending properties of raphia Vinifera.L.Arecacea. American Association for Science and Technology.Vol 6(1) : 1-6.
- R. Sikame Tagne, T. E. Mbou, O. Harzallah, D. Ndapeu, W. Huisken, D. Nkemaja, E. Njeugna, M. Fogue, J-Y (2020). Drean, “Physicochemical and Mechanical Characterization of Raffia vinifera Pith”. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2020, Article ID 8895913, 10 pages, 2020.
Ndapeu D., Demze Nitidem A., Sikame Tagne N. R., Ganou Koungang M. B., Defo N., Njeugna E (2020). Characterization of a brake lining composite based on aiele fruit cores (canarium schweinfurthii) and palm kernel fibers (elaeis guineensis) with a urea-formaldehyde matrix. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 11(5), pp1110-1117.
Nkemaja Efeze D., Sikame Tagne N. R., S. Anafack .M, P.W. Huisken, E.MbouT, E. Njeugna (2020). Studies on the tensile properties of Banana stalk fibres from Njombe – Penja –Cameroon. SSRG International Journal of Polymer and Textile Engineering, 7(1), pp68-75.
Huisken Mejouyo P. W., Dydimus Nkemaja E., Beching O. R., Sikame Tagne N. R., Kana’a T., and Njeugna E (2020). Physical and Tensile Properties of Handmade Sida rhombifolia, International Journal of Biomaterials, Doi : 10.1155/2020/3967641
Géraud R. Goune Chengui , Kengne Jacques, Paul Woafo, and Yanne K. Chembo (2020). Nonlinear dynamics in an optoelectronic feedback delay oscillator with piecewise linear transfer functions from the laser diode and photodiode, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 102, 042217
Nkandeu, Yannick Pascal Kamdeu, Justin Roger Mboupda Pone, and Alain Tiedeu (2020). Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Synchronized Parallel Diffusion and New Combinations of 1D Discrete Maps.” Sensing and Imaging. Springer 21, 55 (2020).
Léandre Kamdjeu Kengne, Njitacke tabekouneng Zeric, Justin Roger Mboupda Pone, Hervé Thierry Kamdem Tagne (2020). “The Effects of a Constant Excitation Force on the Dynamics of an Infinite-Equilibrium Chaotic System Without Linear Terms: Analysis, Control and Circuit Simulation.” International Journal of Bifurcation and chaos, World Scientific 30(15): 2050234.
André Cheukem, Alex Stephane Kemnang Tsafack, Sifeu Takougang Kingni, Chéagé Chamgoué André & Justin Roger Mboupda Pone (2020). Permanent magnet synchronous motor: chaos control using single controller, synchronization and circuit implementation. Springer Nature Applied Sciences. 2, 420
Vivien L. Beyala, Perrin Li Litet and Nkenlifack Marcellin J (2020). Factored Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Pre-training with Extended Transformers, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume 11, No 9, The Science and Information (SAI) Organization,
Vivien L. Beyala and Nkenlifack Marcellin J (2020). Extended Convolutional Neural Networks Post-Trained With Factored Statistical Machine. IRJCS: International Research Journal of Computer Science, Volume VII, 197-208. AM Publications.
Rodrigue Konan Tchinda and Clémentin Tayou Djamegni (2020). On certifying the UNSAT result of dynamic symmetry-handling-based SAT solvers. Constraints, An International Journal 25(3-4) :251-279 Springer.
Rodrigue Konan Tchinda and Clémentin Tayou Djamegni (2020). Parallel Hybridization for SAT : An efficient Conbination of Search Space Splitting and Portfolio. Revue in Informatics and Mathematic Applied (ARIMA). Numéro Spécial CARI2020. Episciences.
Mathurin Soh, Baudoin Nguimeya Tsofack, Clémentin Tayou Djamegni (2020). A Multi Ant Colony Optimization Approach For The Traveling Salesman Problem. Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées (ARIMA). Numéro Spécial CARI2020. Episciences.
Jean Etienne MBOULA NDAMLABIN, Vivient Corneille KAMLA and Clémentin TAYOU DJAMEGNI (2020). Cost-Time Trade-off efficient Workflow Scheduling in Cloud. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier. 103, 102107.
Nzegha A.F., Fendji J.L.E., Thron C., Tayou C.D (2020). Overview of Deep Learning in Facial Recognition. In: Subair S., Thron C. (eds) Implementations and Applications of Machine Learning. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 782. Springer, Cham, pp139-177
Nzegha A.F., Fendji J.L.E., Thron C., Tayou C.D (2020). Improving Deep Unconstrained Facial Recognition by Data Augmentation. In: Subair S., Thron C. (eds) Implementations and Applications of Machine Learning. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 782. Springer, Cham, 179-195.
Boukeng Djiongo, J. , Desrochers, A. , Avana, M. , Khasa, D. , Zapfack, L. and Fotsing, É (2020). Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Land Use in the Bouba Ndjidda National Park and Its Adjacent Zone (North Cameroun). Open Journal of Forestry, 10, 39-57(2020). Doi: 10.4236/ojf.2020.101004. Scientific Research.
Thierry NOULAMO, Bernard FOTSING TALLA, Jean-Pierre LIENOU (2020). Automatic generation of Web Users Interfaces using a Model-Driven Approach. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 11, Issue 9.
Vivien L. Beyala, Perrin Li Litet and Marcellin J. Nkenlifack (2020). Factored Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Pre-training with Extended Transformers, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume 11, No 9, The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, available online at, ISSN 2156-5570
Vivien L. Beyala and Marcellin J. Nkenlifack (2020). Extended Convolutional Neural Networks Post-Trained With Factored Statistical Machine. IRJCS: International Research Journal of Computer Science, AM Publications, Volume VII, pp197-208.
Yota R., Tioumagneng A., Singock C., (2020). La maîtrise des prêts bancaires non performants : pénaliser l’insolvabilité des débiteurs ne suffit pas, Chapitre 16, Ouvrage collectif : Banque en Afrique centrale : problématiques organisationnelles, sous la coordination de Tioumagneng A., l’Harmattan, : pp273-283.
Dudjo Y.G.B., SONKENG G., TEKAM O.H (2020). « Alphabétisation et santé comme vecteurs de croissance économique au Cameroun », Repères et Perspectives Economiques, ISSN : 2509-0399, Vol.4, N° 6 / 1er semestre, 160-191.
Fabien Kenmogne, Zacharie I. Djoufack, Emmanuel Foadieng, Didier Fokwa and David Yemélé (2020). Quantum compacton and quantum peakon in Heisenberg ferromagnetic chains with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions. Phys. Scr.
- I. Djoufack, J. P. Nguenang, A. Kenfack-Jiotsa (2020). Quantum breathers and intrinsic localized excitations in an isotropic ferromagnet with octupole–dipole interaction; Physica B 598 41243.
Eric Tala-Tebue, Guy Roger Deffo, Serge Bruno Yamgoue, Aurélien Kenfack-Jiotsa, Francois Beceau Pelap (2020). Monoatomic chain: modulational instability and exact traveling wave solutions, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, Springer, 135:715
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- Kamdoum Tamba, G. H. Kom, S. T. Kingni, J. R. Mboupda Pone, and H. B. Fotsin (2020). “Analysis and electronic circuit implementation of an integer and fractional-order four-dimensional chaotic system with offset boosting and hidden attractors” Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 229, pp1211-1230
- Zango Nkeutia, V. Kamdoum Tamba, P. K. Talla (2020). “Hysteretic dynamics inducing coexistence of attractors in a thin magnetostrictive actuator system with ptimiz nonlinearity” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 507 166858 (2020).
- T. Kingni, C. Ainamon, V. Kamdoum Tamba and J. B. Chabi Orou (2020). “Directly modulated semiconductor ring lasers: Chaos synchronization and applications to cryptography communications” Chaos Theory and Applications, 2 (1): pp31-39.
- V. Ngamsa Tegnitsap, H. B. Fotsin, V. Kamdoum Tamba, E. B. Megam Ngouonkadi (2020). “Dynamical study of VDPCL oscillator: antimonotonicity, bursting oscillations, coexisting attractors and hardware experiments” Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135:591.
- H. Miwadinou, A. V. Monwanou, L. A. Hinvi, V. Kamdoum Tamba, A. A. Koukpemedji and J. B. Chabi Orou (2020). “Nonlinear oscillations of nonlinear damping gyros: Resonances, hysteresis and multistability” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30, pp1-14.
Sifeu Takougang Kingni, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Serdar Cicek, Andre Cheukem, Victor Kamdoum Tamba, and Gaetan Fautso Kuiate (2020). “Dynamical analysis, FPGA implementation and its application to chaos based random number generator of a fractal Josephson junction with unharmonic current-phase relation” The European Physical Journal B 93:44, pp1-11
Eric Tala-Tebue, Cedric Tetchoka-Manemo, Hadi Rezazadeh, Ahmet Bekir, Yu-Ming Chu (2020). Optical solutions of the (2 + 1)-dimensional hyperbolic nonlinear Schrodinger equation using two different methods, Results in Physics, Elsevier 19 103514
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Tiam Kapen, P., Medjo Nouadje, B. A., Tchuen, G., &Tchinda, R (2020). Numerical simulation of micro wind turbine performance and efficiency for lowwind speed Cameroonian’scities. International Journal of Ambient Energy, pp1-15.
Nemogne, R. L. F., Wouagfack, P. A. N., Nouadje, B. A. M., &Tchinda, R. (2020). Exergetic, ecological and thermo-economic (3E) optimization of an absorption heatpumpwithheatresistance, heatleakage and twointernalirreversibilities: Comparison. International Journal of Refrigeration, 112, pp251-261.
Koholé Y. W., Tchuen G (2020). Experimental and numerical investigation of a thermosyphon solar water heater. International journal of ambient energy, Taylor & Francis
Ndapeu, D., Bosco, J., Yagueka, K., Tamwo, F., Morino, B., Koungang, G., Fogue, M., & Njeugna, E. (2020). Experimental and Analytical Study of Water Diffusion in Palm Kernel Shell of Cameroon. pp733–743.
Ndapeu, D., Yagueka, J. B. K., Nkemaja, E. D., Koungang, B. M. G., Fogue, M., & Njeugna, E. (2020). Contribution to the Characterization of Palm Kernel Shell from Littoral, Cameroon. Materials Sciences and Applications, 11(10), 668–677.
Fokwa D., Poumegne kouam B., Huisken Mejouyo W., Tchemou G., Fogue M (2020). Tensile, Shear and Bending properties of raphia Vinifera.L.Arecacea. American Association for Science and Technology.Vol 6(1): pp1-6.
Ndapeu, D., Yagueka, J. B. K., Nkemaja, E. D., Koungang, B. M. G., Fogue, M., & Njeugna, E (2020). Contribution to the Characterization of Palm Kernel Shell from Littoral, Cameroon. Materials Sciences and Applications, 11(10), 668–677.
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Année 2019
Théophile Madjitoloum Yombombe, Boniface Efon, Patrick Etame, Thomas Tamo Tatietse (2019). Evaluation of flood volumes by satellite image processing into three-dimensional characteristics: Application to Lake Chad. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Vol 10, Issue 12, pp. 450-458.
Flavien Guetsa Kamanou, Denis Ntamack, Thomas Tamo Tatietse (2019). Development of new product for the optimization of the geotechnic characteristics of the base course in the roads construction in soudanohahalian are: case study of the Maroua agglomeration. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Vol 10, Issue 04, pp. 1192–1202
Pascal Ayissi Messanga, Boniface Efon Civil, Denis Ntamack, Thomas Tamo Tatietse (2019). Multicriterial analysis and choice of models in tropical zone: Application to the Sanaga watershed in Cameroon. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Vol 10, Issue 10, October 2019, pp. 505-520,
Sonfack L. L., Kenne G., Fombu A. M (2019). An improved adaptive RBF neuro-sliding mode control strategy: Application to a static synchronous series compensator controlled systems, Wiley publication, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 29(5): 23 pages. [online] URL:
Nguimfack-Ndongmo J.d.D., Fombu A. M., Sonfack L.L., Kuaté Fochie R., Kenné G., Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue F (2019). Challenges of mastering the energy sector and sustainable solutions for development in Africa, Special issue, Health and Energy at MADEV 2017, ARIMA 30:71-86.
Nfah E. M., Ngundam J.M., Kenne G (2019). Photovoltaic Hybrid Systems for remote villages, Special issue, Health and Energy at MADEV 2017, ARIMA 30: pp1-15.
Simo Fotso A., Kenné G., Douanla R. M (2019). A simple flexible and robust control strategy for wind energy conversion systems connected to a utility grid, Journal of Control Science and Engineering, Hindawi publication 2019, Article ID 5032694:23.
Dzonde Naoussi S. R., Kenfack Tsobzé S., Kenné G (2019). A new approach for islanding management in PV system using frequency modulation technique and simple adaptive load shedding algorithm, Springer Edition, SN-Applied Sciences, 1(12)..
Takougang Tchinda S. F., Mpame G., Nzeukou Takougang A.C., Kamdoum Tamba V (2019). Dynamic analysis of a snap oscillator based on a unique diode nonlinearity effect, offset boosting control and sliding mode control design for global chaos synchronization Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems.
Takougang Kingni S., Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Kamdoum Tamba V., Ainamon C., Bio ChabiOrou J (2019). Analysis and FPGA implementation of an autonomous Josephson junction snap oscillaton The European Physical Journal B 92:227, pp1-8.
Mboupda Pone J.R., Kamdoum Tamba V., Kom G.H., Pesdjock M.J.P., Tiedeu A., Kom M (2019). Numerical, electronic simulations and experimental analysis of a no equilibrium point chaotic circuit with offset boosting and partial amplitude control, SN Apllied Sciences,
Takougang Kingni S., Fautso Kuite G., Kamdoum Tamba V., Pham V.T., Vo Hoang D (2019). Self-excited and hidden attractors in an autonomous Josephson jerk oscillator: analysis and its application to text encryption, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics,
- Louodop, R. Tchitnga, F. F. Fagundes, M. Kountchou, V. Kamdoum Tamba, C. L. Pando, H. A. Cerdeira (2019). Extreme multistability in a Josephson-junction-based circuit, Physics Review E,
Ainamon C., Takougang Kingni S., Kamdoum Tamba V., ChabiOrou J. B., Woafo P., Takougang Kingni S., Fautso Kuiate G., Kamdoum Tamba V., Monwanou A.V., ChabiOrou J. B (2019). Dynamics, Circuitry Implementation and Control of an Autonomous Helmholtz Jerk Oscillator, Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems,
Takougang Kingni S., Fautso Kuiate G., Kamdoum Tamba V., Monwanou A. V., ChabiOrou J. B. (2019). Analysis of a fractal josephson junction with unharmonic current-phase relation, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism,
Tala-Tebue E., Hadi Rezazadeh, Mostafa Eslami, Ahmet Bekir (2019). New approach to model coupled nerve fibers and exact solutions of the system, Chinese Journal of Physics 62, pp179–186
Djoufack Z.I., Nguenang J. P., Kenfack-Jiotsa A (2019). Quantum breathers and modulational instability in quantum zigzag spin chains with alternative combination ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic interactions in an external magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 489 165385
Djoufack Z. I., Fotsa-Ngaffo F., Tala-Tebue E., Fendzi-Donfack E., Kapche Tagne F (2019). Modulational instability in addition to discrete breathers in2D quantum ultracold atoms loaded in optical lattices; Nonlinear Dynamic.
Tala Tebue E., Djoufack Z.I., Yamgoue S.B., Kenfack-Jiotsa A., Kofané T.C (2019). Chirped soliton solutions in optical medium. Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer (2019) 51:7.
Djoufack Z. I., Tala-Tebue E., Nguenang J.P (2019). Quantum breathers and intrinsic localized excitation associated with the modulational instability in 1D Bose–Hubbard chain; Commun Nonlinear SciNumerSimulat 69: 134–147.
KAMGA DJOUMEN T., CODJO Luc ZINSOU, VOUFFO M., NGAPGUE F (2019). Characterization of Alterites Resulting From the Alteration of the Granito-Gneissic Base of Dschang for the Production of Compressed Earth Blocks. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Volume 16, Issue 4 Ser. III, PP 16-25.
Kenmoe O.R.M., Katte V.Y., Ngapgue F., Wouatong A.S.L (2019). Mineralogical, Geotechnical Characterization and Stability of the Cut Slopes of Widikum and its Surroundings (North-West Cameroon). Earth Science Research; Vol. 8, No. 1.
Katte V. Y., Ngapgue F., Tsang J. M (2019). Mineralogical, geochemical characterization and application of an alluvial clay material. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Al-hadj Hamid ZAGALO, NGAPGUE F., Bozabe Renonet KARKA, KWEKAM M (2019). Development of a dynamic penetrometer prediction model considering the physical properties of the infrastructure ground. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 8(10), October, pp. 120-130.
Keyangue Tchouata J.H., Gouafo C., Katte V.Y., Ngapgue F., Djambou-Tchiadjeu C., Kamdjo G., Zoyem Gouafo M (2019). Characterization of Lateritic Banka Gravelous (West Cameroon) for Their Use in Road Geotechnical. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), Volume 55, No 1, pp 92-103. ISSN (Print) 2313-4410, ISSN (Online) 2313-4402,
Bomeni I.Y., Wouatong A.S.L., Ngapgue F., Kamgang Kabeyene V., Fagel N (2019). Mineralogical Transformation and Microstructure of the Alluvials Clays. Science of Sintering, 51,pp57-70.
Nie Noumsi T.C., Kamdjo G., Ngapgue F (2019). Contribution to the Physico-Mechanical Characterization of Career Sands in the Western Region in Cameroon. International Journal of Engineering Research& Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181Vol. 8 Issue 10,IJERTV8IS100016, pp130-139.
Tioumagneng A., Yota R. (2019). Credit Risk Control at Cameroonian Banks’ Board of Directors: the Problems of the Presence of Directors Representing the State and the Nationality of Chairman, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 4(3-4): pp1-13.
SONKENG G., GNIGNINDIKOUP I., DUDJO Y.G.B (2019). « Les déterminants de la diversité dans la GRH des TPE camerounaises : état des lieux et perspectives » Revue de gestion et d’économie, ISSN : 2351-8111, Vol. 7 n° 1 & 2, pp74-89.
EBOUE R., TIONA WAMBA J. H., DUDJO Y.G.B (2019). « Étude de la performance des communes au cœur du dialogue entre entreprises et collectivités locales décentralisées », Revue des études multidisciplinaires en sciences économiques et sociales, ISSN :2489-2068 n° 11, pp98-118.
- W. Huisken Mejouyo, O. Harzallah, N. R. Sikame Tagne, D. Ndapeu, G. Tchemou, J. Y. Drean & E. Njeugna (2019). Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Several Varieties of Oil Palm Mesocarp Fibers Using Different Cross-Sectional Assumptions, Journal of Natural Fibers,
TCHOTANG T., TSE E. C., KENMEUGNE B., FOGUE M (2019). Improvement of the Task Execution Deadlines on the Plant Construction Project. International Invention of Scientific Journal (IISJ). Volume 03, March 2019, Eissn: 2457-0958, pp. 502-510.
TCHOTANG T., TSOPMO J., MEVA’A L., KENMEUGNE B., FOGUE M (2019). Automatic rebalancing of radial gates of the spillway dam in Cameroon. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), Vol.9, Issue2, ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN I: 2249-800, pp. 621-630.
Azeufack, U. G., Kenmeugne, B., Foadieng, E., Fouotsa, M., Talla, P.K. and Fogue, M (2019). Mechanical characterization and measurement of damage of pericopsis elata (Assamela). World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7, 256-269.
Fouotsa, W. C. M., Foading E., Mtopi, F. B. E., Azeufack, U. G., Talla, P. K., Fogue, M (2019). Contribution to the study of variations of physical properties of pericopsis elata with respect to different stages of growth. American Journal of Materials Research, 6(2): pp11-20.
Thierry, F., Azeufack, U. G., Kenmeugne, Talla, P.K. and Fogue, M (2019). Damage evaluation of equatorial hardwoods under uniaxial compression: case of entandrophargma cylindricum (Sapelli) Chlorophora exelcia (Iroko). World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7, pp549-558.
Blaise Mtopi Fotso, Carlos Feudjio Nguefack, Roni-Claudin Talawo, Medard Fogue (2019). Aerodynamic Analysis of an Electric Vehicle Equipped With Horizontal Axis Savonius wind Turbines. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research, Volume 05, Issue 06; [ISSN: 2455-1457].
Mtopi Fotso B. E., Talawo R. C., Feudjio Nguefack M. C., Fogue M (2019). Modeling and Thermal Analysis of Solar Thermoelectric Generator with Vortex tube for Hybrid Vehicle. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 15 (2019) 100515International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research, Volume 05, Issue 06;
Fouotsa Woutsop Christian Martial, Foadieng Emmanuel, Mtopi Fotso Blaise Eugène, Azeufack Ulrich Gael, Talla Pierre Kisito, Fogue Médard (2019). Contribution to the Study of Variations of Physical Properties of Pericopsis elata with Respect to Different Stages of Growth: American Journal of Materials research, 6(3): pp11-20.
Mejouyo, P. H., Harzallah, O., Sikame Tagne N. R., Ndapeu D., Tchemou, G., Drean, J. Y., & Njeugna, E (2019). Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Several Varieties of Oil Palm Mesocarp Fibers Using Different Cross-Sectional Assumptions. Journal of Natural Fibers, 1-17. Doi : 10.1080/15440478.2019.1612813.
- Atanga Bihnah Melioge, Divine Bup Nde, Nkemaja Dydimus Efeze, Sikame Tagne N. R. and K. Murugesh Babu (2019). Microwave-Assisted Paper Production and Characterization from Pineapple Leaves as a Potential Material for Food Packaging. World Journal of Textile Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, p. 133-138. Doi: 10.31437/2415-5489.2019.05.14
Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Justin Roger Mboupda Pone, Sifeu Takougang Kingni, SundaramArun & AnithaKarthikeyan (2019). Analysis and electronic implementation of an absolute memristor autonomous Van der Pol-Duffing circuit. European Physical Journal Special Topic. Springer 228, pp2287–2299
Vitrice Ruben Folifack Signing, Jacques Kengne, Justin Roger Mboupda Pone (2019). Antimonotonicity, chaos, quasi-periodicity and coexistence of hidden attractors in a new simple 4-D chaotic system with hyperbolic cosine nonlinearity. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, – Elsevier, Vol. 118, No pp. 187-198,
Justin Roger Mboupda Pone, Sifeu Takougang Kingni, Guy Richard Kol & Viet-Thanh Pham (2019). Hopf bifurcation, antimonotonicity and amplitude controls in the chaotic Toda jerk oscillator: analysis, circuit realization and combination synchronization in its fractional-order form, Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, Taylor and Francis, Vol. 60, No 2, pp 149-161,
Kele Mbbe Ripaul Carlos, Nkenlifack Marcellin Julius and Kamla Vivien Corneille (2019). Multi-Level and Generic Decisional Model for E-Governance Applications in the Educational Field, International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering-IJASRE, Volume 5 Issue 5, May-20199, pp.183-196
Kele Mbbe Ripaul Carlos, Nkenlifack Marcellin Julius and Kamla Vivien Corneille (2019). Multi-Agent Decision-Making Model for the Construction of Schools. International Journal of Computer Applications 178(40):4-13, E-ISSN : 0975 – 8887,
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Année 2018
Amadou Moundom, François Ngapgue, Thomas Tamo Tatietse (2018). Mechanical properties of granular volcanic materiels concretes. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Vol. 9, n°3 pp. 355–375.
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Année 2017
- Diesse-Youmbi, D. Ntamack, T. Tamo Tatietse (2017). Modelling of energy consumptions in residential buildings: case of construction materials in equatorial and tropical zones. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Development (IJMERD). Vo. 6, N° 1, pp 01-18.
- Diesse-Youmbi, D. Ntamack, P.S. Ngohe-Ekam, A. Fezeu Yimbi, T. Tamo Tatietse (2017). Simulation of energy consumption in equatorial and tropical buildings in relation to the orientation. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET). Vo. 8, N° 11, pp 383-400.
J.M. Njankouo, G.D. Nimpa, D. Ntamack, T. Tamo Tatietse (2017). Environmental profile of CBA (Copper-Boron-Azote) – Treated wooden utility poles: a Developing country case. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology – IOSR. Vol. 11, N° 5, pp 12-23.
G.D. Nimpa, J.M. Najankouo, P.S. Ngohe-Ekam, T. Tamo Tatietse (2017). Assessment of power utility pole. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention; Vol. 6, N° 2, pp16-32.
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Année 2016
- Moundom, C. Biryondeke, G. Kamdjo, F. Ngapgue T. Tamo Tatietse (2016). Physical characterization of natural pozzolanas for their improvement and use in construction. International Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Development (IJCERD); PRJ Publication, vol. 6, n° 1, pp. 01–14.
- Ngoro-Elenga, H. Elenga, T. Nsongo, T. Tamo-Tatietse (2016). Experimental Study on the effect of Wood Sawdust and sand on the Clay Slabs
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Année 2014
- Ganga, H. Elenga, T. Nsongo & T. Tamo Tatietse (2014). “Effect of Environmental Temperature and Ph Water on Compressive Strength of Clay Brick Mixed Wood Chips Mahogany based Building Materials”, The SIJ Transactions on Industrial, Financial & Business Management (IFBM), The Standard International Journals (The SIJ), Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 296-299.
- Ganga, T. Nsongo, H. Elenga, B. Mabiala, T. Tamo Tatietse, Nzonzolo (2014). Effect of Incorporation of Chips and Wood Dust Mahogany on Mechanical and Acoustic Behavior of Brick Clay. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, vol. 2, pp. 198-208.
Resistance to Compression., Journal of Engineering Sciences ; ISCA- Research, Vol., N°11, pp 13-16.
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Année 2013
- Voufo, J. Kenfack, T. Tamo Tatietse (2013). Diagnosis of defects on medium voltage electric energy distribution networks: The case of rural zone’s supply International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, vol.45 N° 9, pp.229 – .234
B.S. Diboma, T. Tamo Tatietse (2013). Power interruption costs to industries in Cameroon. Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol.62, pp. 582-592.
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Année 2012
- Madjadoumbaye, F. Nguapgue, T. Tamo Tatietsé (2012). Fonction utilité dans la prise de décision pour l’entretien des routes en terre. Journal of Decision Systems, Hermes & Lavoisier. Vol. 21, N° 2, pp. 171-184.
- Bwemba, M. Mbessa, J. Ngondi Ngele, A. Henry Tata, T. Tamo Tatietse (2012). Comparative Evaluation of the Simulated Investment Costs of an Earth Road and a Paved Road: Application on a Stretch of Road in Cameroon. International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology. Vol. 2, N° 5, pp. 98-119
- Mbessa, M. Lezin Seba, D. Fokwa, Acka Kroa, C.Bwemba, H. Agu Tata and T. Tamo Tatietse (2012). Proposal of a law behavior model for high performance concrete in uniaxial compression. International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering (IJECCE). Vol. 3, Issue 3, in press
- H.Boyogueno, M.Mbessa, T.TamoTatietse (2012). Prediction of Flow-Rate of Sanaga Basin in Cameroon Using HEC-HMS Hydrological System: Application to the Djerem Sub-Basin at Mbakaou. Journal of Energy and Environment Research, Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE), vol. 2, N°1 pp. 205-216
- Fokwa, F. Ngapgue, T. Nsongo, M. Mbessa, T. Tamo Tatietse (2012). Mode I Concrete Characterization using Rebar Induction Heating, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET). ISSN : 0975-4024; Vol 4 No 2 pp. 71-81.
- Fokwa, F. Ngapgue, M. Mbessa, T. Tamo Tatietse (2012). Physical characterization of two Cameroon bamboo species:Arundinaria alpina and oxytenantera abyssinica, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET). Vol 4 No 2 pp. 82-92.
- Madjadoumbaye, F. Ngapgue, P. Nouanga, M.C. Abdou, T. Tamo Tatietse (2012). Improving the Bearing Capacity of Laterite by Adding Sand. The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. EJGE, Vol. 17, Bund. A, pp. 23-32
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Année 2011
- Kibula Lukong, M. Mbessa, T. Tamo Tatietse (2011). Predictive Model of Rainfal-runoff: A Case Study of the Sanaga Basin at Bamendjin Watershed in Cameroon. Journal of Energy and Environment Research, Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE), vol. 1, N°1 pp. 193-201
- Tamo Tatietse, J. Voufo, D. Ntamack (2011). Diagnosis of defects on medium voltage electric energy distribution networks. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, vol.33 N° 9, pp.1556 – .1562
- Ntamack , M. Mbessa, Acka Kroa, J. Voufo, T. Tamo Tatietse (2011). Application of the Dijkstra algorithm to the determination of minimal loss paths in electricity networks. Pioneer Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics, Pioneer Scientific Publisher. Vol.1 N° 2, pp : 93 – 104.
- Bwemba, M. Mbessa, J. Madjadoumbaye, D. Pemha, T. Tamo Tatietse (2011). The Role of Traffic in the Degradation of Earth Roads. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST) Vol. 3, N° 10, pp. 7842-7860.
- Madjadoumbaye, T. Tamo Tatietsé, A.E. Bouboama (2011). Nouvelles matrices de dégradation sur routes en terre dans une perspective d’élaboration d’une fonction de décision. Application au Cameroun Journal of Decision Systems, Hermes & Lavoisier. Vol. 20 N° 2, pp.193 -. 206
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Année 2010
Lezin Seba Minsili, T. Tamo Tatietse, N. Nga and R. Medjo Eko (2010). Dynamic and Field Analysis of Pile Driving In Cameroun, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. David Publishing Company, Illinois. Vol. 4, N° 8, pp. 70-76
- Tamo Tatietse, A. Kemajou, B.-J. Diboma (2010). Electricity self-generation costs for industrial companies in Cameroon. Energies, MDPI (Molecular Diversity Preservation International), Vol. 3 N°, pp. 1353-1368.
- Tamo Tatietse, J. Voufo (2009). Diagnosis of defects on medium voltage electric energy distribution networks. Energies, MDPI, Vol. 2 N°, pp. 243-257.
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Année 2009
- S. Mbemmo Fotso, T. Tamo Tatietse and Z. Simeu-Abazi (2009). Algorithm Optimal Management of a Potable Water Distribution System: Application to the Primary Network of Bonaberi, (Douala, Cameroon). Water ; MDPI. 1(1) pp. 43-53.
- Kenfack, M. Fogué, T. Tamo Tatietsé, A.G.H. Lejeune (2009) Assessing the hydro potential of Central Africa. The international journal of Hydropower & Dams. Aqua-Media International Ltd/Broglia Press. Vol 16, N° 6, pp. 62-65.
- Elimé Bouboama, M. Mpélé, T. Tamo Tatiétsé (2009). L’ACV appliquée à l’évaluation énergétique d’une route. Journal of Decision Systems, Hermes & Lavoisier. Vol. 18 N° 4, pp. 429-457.
- Lezin Seba, T. Tamo Tatietse, L. Ayina Ohandja, A. Tchoula Djounda (2009). Theoretical and Experimental State-of-the-Art of Piles Driving in Cameroon. The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. EJGE- iGEM, Vol. 14, bundle C, pp. 1-19.
- Kenfack, F.P. Neirac, T. Tamo Tatietsé, D. Mayer, M. Fogue, A.G.H. Lejeune (2009). Sizing a small hydro PV hybrid system for rural electrification in developing countries. Renewable Energy. Elsevier. Vol 34, N° 10, pp. 2259-2263.
- Matchebou, G. Nkeng, T. Tamo Tatietse, M. Tsalefack. (2009). Problématique de la gestion urbaine et de la pollution de l’air en milieu urbain : le cas de Yaoundé. African journal of science and technology. UNESCO, Sciences and engineering series Vol. 10, N° 1
- Likiby, J.C. Sofack, T. Tamo Tatietse, B.V. Kamgang Kabeyene, C.U. Melo (2009). Qualité des parpaings préfabriqués en béton dans l’agglomération de Yaoundé. International Journal of pure and applied science. . Vol 32 N° 1, pp. 19-26.
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Année 2008
- Tamo Tatiétsé, F. Ngapgue, A. Tejani, (2008). Physical characterisation of Bafoussam (Cameroon) soils for the foundations. JP Journal of Solids and Structures, Pushpa Publishing House. Vol 2 N° 1, pp. 45-52.
- Tamo Tatiétsé, J. Madjadoumbaye (2008). Caractérisation et évaluation des dégradations sur routes en terre dans une perspective d’aide à la décision. Journal of Decision Systems, Hermes & Lavoisier. Vol. 17 N° 2, pp. 225-243
- Ngapgue, A. Tejani, T. Tamo Tatiétsé (2008). The compression index of Bafoussam soils (Cameroon) and its correlations with the physical parameters. JP Journal of Solids and Structures, Pushpa Publishing House. Vol 2 N° 2, pp. 191-202.
- Kemajou, O. Bergossi, T. Tamo Tatietsé, B. S. Diboma (2008). Is industrial development incompatible with contraints of industrial ecology in Cameroon? International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology. Scientific Technical Centre, Vol. 32 N° 6, pp. 194-203.
- Madjadoumbaye, T. Tamo Tatietsé, R. Medjo Eko (2008). Development of a New Approach to the Characterisation and Evaluation of Earth Road Degradation Parameters American Society of Agricultural Engineering, the CIGR Ejournal LW 07 004 ; Vol. 10 .
- Téjani, F. Ngapgue, T. Tamo Tatietse, V. Kornienko Nikolai (2008). Module de déformation des sols de Bafoussam (Cameroun). Structures de Construction, Institut d’Etat de Recherches en Structures de Construction, Vol. 71, N° 1, Kiev, NIISK, pp. 209 – 214
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Année 2007
- Tsague, T. Tamo Tatiétsé (2007). Aircraft cruise Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) emissions prediction and experimental pollution factor Energy & Environment, Multi-Science Publishing CO. LTD. Vol 18 N° 5, pp. 565-575
- Louzolo-Kimbebe, C. Pettang, T. Tamo Tatiétsé (2007). Minimisation des surcoûts dans le contexte hors délai : cas des projets de construction dans les pays en développement. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 34 N° 9 pp 1180-1191
- Tsague, T. Tamo Tatiétsé, J. Ngundam, J. Tsogo, (2007). Prediction of emissions in turbojet engines exhausts: Relationship between nitric oxide index (EINOx) and the operational parameters. par Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier. N° 11 pp 459-463.
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Année 2006
- Tsague, J. Tsogo, T. Tamo Tatiétsé, (2006). A Prediction of production of Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) in turbo jet engines Atmospheric Environment, Elsevier. N° 40 pp 5727-5733.
- G. Mpakam, B. V. Kamgang Kabeyene, G. R Kouam Kenmogne, T. Tamo Tatiétsé, N. Bemmo, G. E. Ekodeck (2006). L’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement dans les villes des pays en développement: cas de Bafoussam (Cameroun) Revue électronique en sciences de l’environnement VertigO, VertigO, Vol. 7, N° 2 pp. 1-10
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Année 2002
- Tamo Tatiétsé, P. Villeneuve, E.-N. Ndong and F. Kenfack (2002). Interruption modelling in medium voltage electrical networks. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elsevier, vol. 24, N° 10, pp. 859 – 865.
- Tamo Tatiétsé, P.Villeneuve, J. Ngundam and F. Kenfack (2002). Contribution to the analysis of urban residential electrical energy demand in developing countries, The International Journal of Energy, Elsevier, vol. 27, N° 6, pp. 591-606, 2002.
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Année 2001
- Tamo Tatiétsé and M. Rodriguez, (2001). A Method to improve population access to drinking water networks in cities of developing countries. Journal of Water Supply : Research and Technology-AQUA. IWA Publishing, vol.50, N°1, pp. 47 -60.
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