Publications de la FMSP – Page 3

Liste des publications par enseignant de la Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences Pharmaceutiques (Page 3)

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Grade: Maître de Conferences

Spécialité: Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale (ORL-CCF)

Fonction: Chef de Département d’Ophtalmologie, ORL et Stomatologie à la Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences Pharmaceutiques de l’Université de Dschang.

Telephone: +237 679161300 / +237 699976714




  1. 1. Essama Eno Belinga L1, Njifou Njimah A, Diawara O, Nda Mefoo J1, Nnomo P, Bell Ngan W, Ebana Mvogo C, Okalla Ebongue C1, Adiogo D. Portage sérique d’immunoglobulines G contre porphyromonas gingivalis chez les patients de l’Hôpital Général de Douala. Revue d’odontostoma-tologie malgache en ligne ISSN 2220-069X2020; 2021, Volume 18: pages 43-52
  2. 2. Jean Paul Engbang, Amadou Njifou Njimah, Therèse Daphnée Tjomb, Maurice Mpessa, Louis Richard Njock. Prognosis and Survival of Nasopharyngeal Cancer in Cameroon. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 2021, 10, 6-19 ISSN Online: 2168-5460 ISSN Print: 2168-5452 DOI: 10.4236/ijohns.2021.101002 Jan. 12, 2021 6 Int. J. Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery .



  1. 3. Fokouo Fogha JV1, Minka Ngom EGS, Choffor Nchinda E, Evehe Vokwely JE, Njifou Njimah Amadou, Njock L. Electrification of the ENT Area: Report of Three Cases with Literature Review. American Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2020 | Volume 3 | Issue 7 | Article 1110
  2. 4. Njifou Njimah A, Nadeu CO, Nsom Phylo P, Mbanyamsig Ndam ASR, Essama Eno Belinga L, Njock LR. Caractéristiques cliniques et étiologies des otorrhées à l’Hopital Laquintinie de Douala. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 21 (1), 2020 ; p 92-97.
  3. 5. Vodouhé UB, Avakoudjo F, Njifou Njimah A, Lawson Afouda AS, Do Santos AZ, D Guezo D, Adjibabi W, Yehouessi-Vignikin B. Thyroidectomie au CHU de zone de Suru-Lere (Bénin). Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 21 (2), 2020 ; p 100-104.
  4. 6. Vodouhé U, Wachinou AP, Djogbenou Tito G, A Njifou Njimah, Salonon E, Akpaki U, Avakoudjo F, Sagbo G. Syndrome d’apnées hypopnées obstructives du sommeil chez les enfants : prévalence et facteurs associés. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 21 (4), 2020 ; p 25-30.
  5. 7. Do Santos A, Njifou Njimah A, Bouraima FA, Vodouhé UB, Adjibabi W, Vignikin-Yehouessi B. Panorama des pathologies ORL en situation d’activité médicale gratuite à Dan (Bénin). Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 21 (5), 2020 ; p 26-29.
  6. 8. Vodouhé UB, Do Santos Zounon A, A Njifou Njimah, F Avakoudjo, Adjibabi W, Yéhouessi-Vignikin B. Corps étrangers nasaux de l’enfant : une étude multicentrique à Cotonou. Journal de la Societé de Biologie Clinique du Bénin, N° 033, 2020 ; p 60-64.
  7. 9. Amadou Njifou Njimah, Do Santos Zounon, Ulrich Vodouhé Bidossessi, Maa Kinyock, Lawrence Essama Eno Belinga, Galbert Fedjo Tefoyet, Dimitri Badan, Wassi Adjibabi, Bernadette Yéhouessi-Vignikin, Louis Richard Njock. Les Laryngites Chroniques à Douala. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 21 ( 7 ), 2020 ; p 90- 93.
  8. 10. Amadou Njifou Njimah, Fokam Domgno EC, Vodouhé U, Njock LR. Trachéotomie : indications et évolution à l’hôpital Général de Douala. Révue Africaine d’ORL et de Chirurgie cervico- faciale des pays francophones d’Afrique. Vol 18 (3), 2018.
  9. 11. Amadou Njifou Njimah, Do Santos Zounon, Guy Pascal Ngaba, Ulrich Vodouhé Bidossessi, Galbert Fedjo Tefoyet, Lawrence Essama Eno Belinga, Wassi Adjibabi, Bernadette Yéhouessi-Vignikin, Louis Richard Njock. Les angines bactériennes à Mbouda : épidemiologie, clinique et traitement. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 21 (8), 2020.
  10. 12. A Njifou Njimah, NS Mezatio Fozang, P Nsom Phylo, U vodouhé Bidossessi, A Feuwou, LR Njock. Mortalié liée aux pathologies ORL à Douala. Journal de la Société Tunisienne d’ORL.Vol 44, 2020



  1. 13. Njifou Njimah Amadou, Mfe Ndongo BL, Kuifo C, Mpessa EM, Moho A, Minka E, Fonyam V, Njock LR. Rhinosinusites chroniques à l’Hopital Laquintinie de Douala. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 19 (4), 2018 ; p 99-103.
  2. 14. Njifou Njimah A, Nsom Phylo Prisca, Vodouhe UB, Mpessa EM, Moho A, Kuifo C, Minka E, Fonyam V, Feuwou A, Njock LR. Les otites moyennes aigues à Douala : aspects épidemiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques à propos de 120 cas. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 20 (1), 2019 ; p 82-86.
  3. 15. Njifou Njimah A, Ndjeunga BM, Vodouhe U, Kuifo C, Mpessa EM, Fokouo JV, Njock LR.

Kystes et fistules cervicaux congenitaux chez l’enfant : aspects épidemiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques à propos de 43 cas. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 20 (2), 2019 ; p 84-87.

  1. 16. Mpessa EM, Njifou NA, Lingom LD, Kuifo C, Njock LR. La nasofibroscopie au service d’ORL de l’Hopital Général de Douala : indications et résultats à propos de 848 cas. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 20 (1), 2019 ; p 77-83
  2. 17. Njifou Njimah A, Bella F, Vodouhe U, Mpessa EM, Kuifo C, Fokouo V, Njock LR. Lésions traumatiques ORL et cervico-faciales à l’Hopital Laquintinie de Douala, aspects épidemiologiques et cliniques sur une série de 299 cas. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 20 (3), 2019 ; p 90-93.
  3. 18. Njifou Njimah Amadou, Ondoua Messi, Mbanyamsig ASR, Njock LR. Le vertige à l’Hopital Général de Douala. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 20 (4), 2019 ; p 29-32.
  4. 19. L Essama Eno Belinga, W Bell Ngan, AD Sangare, O Diawara, A Njifou Njimah, ASP Essam Nlo’o,

M Sembene, D Kone, C Bengondo Massanga, CE Mvogo, AR Ngono, D Lemogoum.. Relation entre santé parodontale et rigidité artérielle : étude transversale réalisée au Cameroun. Odonto-Stomatologie tropicale, Vol 42 (168), 2019 ; p 34-42.

  1. 20. Ulrich Bidossessi Vodouhé, A Zounon Do Santos, A Njifou Njimah, FB Ouraima, F Avakoudjo, W Adjibabi, B Vignikin-Yehouessi. Aspects cliniques, paracliniques et therapeutiques des otomycoses au CHU de Suru-Lere. Journal de la société de la Biologie clinique du Bénin, N° 032, 2019 ; P 84-88.
  2. 21. Amadou Njifou Njimah, olive Gladys Ndjock, Vodouhé Bidossessi U, Lawrence Essama Eno Belinga, Nsom Phylo P, Mbanyamsig Ndam ASR, Louis Richard. Plaies faciales à Douala : épidemiologie, clinique et traitement à propos de 103 cas. Njock. Revue de Médecine et de pharmacie de la FMSP de Douala, Vol 9 (2), 2019.
  3. 22. Njifou Njimah A, Nadeu CO, Vodouhé Bidossessi U, Nsom Phylo P, Mbanyamsig Ndam ASR, Moho A, Njock LR. Etiologies et traitement des otites moyennes aigues à l’hopital Laquintinie de Douala. Revue de Médecine et de pharmacie de la FMSP de Douala, Vol 9 (2), 2019.



  1. 23. Njifou Njimah A, Ngembi AR, Essama L, Fewou A, Kouotou EA, Minka E, Njock LR. Aspects anatomopathologiques des cancers ORL et cervico-faciaux à l’hopital général de Douala. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 19 (3), 2018 ; p 39-44.
  2. 24. Mpessa EM, Njifou NA, Lingom LD, Feuwou A, Njock LR, Ndjolo A. Manisfestations ORL chez les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA à l’Hopital Laquintinie de Douala- Cameroun : une étude de 200 cas. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 19 (3), 2018 ; p 64-68.
  3. 25. Casimir ledoux Sofeu,Anais Broban, Amadou Njifou Njimah, Jean Blaise Momo, Serge Alain Sadeuh-Mba, Sophie Druelles, Maina L’Azou, Mathurin Cyrille Tejiokem. Improving systemetic rabies surveillance in Cameroon : a pilot initiative and result for 2014-2016. Plos Negleted Tropical Diseases, Vol 12 (9), 2018, e0006597.



  1. 26. Vodouhê U.B, Do Santos Zounon A, Njifou N, Guézo D, Avakoudjo F, Lawson-Afouda S, Adjibabi W, Vignikin-Yèhouessi B. Otites moyennes aiguës : aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques au CHU de Zone de Suru-Léré Acute otitis media: epidemiology, clinic and therapeutic data in teaching hospital of Suru-Lere. La revue africaine d’ORL et de Chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol 2 & 3, n°2 – 2017
  2. 27. Atangana Paul Jean A, Tchuenté Nguefack C, Kabeyene Okono Angèle C, Totoum Fotsing C, Dina Bell E, Tayou Rachel, Ngasoua Tomfeu C, Seme Engoumou Ambroise M, Njifou Njimah A, Sando Z, Fewou A. Aspects immunohistochimiques des cancers à Douala et Yaoundé. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 18 (3), 2017 ; p 14-20.
  3. 28. Yannick Kamga, Georges Bediang, Chris Nadège Nganou-Gnindjio, Njifou Njimah Amadou, Ba Hamadou, Samuel Nko’o Amvene. Faisabilité et apport de la télécardiologie dans la prise en charge des patients dans un hopital de District du Cameroun. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 18 (4), 2017 ; p 63-68.



  1. 29. Mapoure Njankouo Yacouba, Pokossi Arielle Vanessa, Njock Richard, Njifou Njimah Amadou, Luma Namme henry, Mouelle Sone Albert. Céphalées en coup de tonnerre : aspects épidemiologique, étiologiques et pronostique à Douala. African Journal of Neurological Sciences, Vol 33 (2), 2015 ; p 3-13.



  1. 30. Njifou Njimah Amadou, Essame L, Kouotou EA, Moby H, Mapoure Y, Motah M, Njock R. Cellulites cervico-faciales en milieu hospitalier Camerounais. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 15 (1), 2014.
  2. 31. Njock LR, Njifou NA, Djomou F, Ndjolo A. Indications actuelles de l’adénoidectomie, de l’amygdalectomie et de l’adénoamygdalectomie à l’Hopital Général de Douala. Health Sciences and Diseases, Vol 15 (4), 2014.
  3. 32. Kouotou Emmanuel Armand, Defo Defo, Njifou Njimah Amadou, Yumo Habakkuk Azinyui, Zoung-Kanyi Bissek Anne-Cécile, Ndjitoyap Ndam Elie Claude. Keloid acne of neck aggravated by pregnancy in a woman. International Journal of Case Reports in Medicine, Vol 2014, 2014, Article ID 782555, DOI 105171/2014-782555.
  4. 33. Francis Nde Djiele, Hugo Mbatchou Ngahane, Vincent Fonyam, Amadou Njifou Njimah, Audrey Esse, Richard Njock. Allergic Rhinitis : epidemiological, clinical and treatment aspects in General Hospital of Douala. Journal International de Santé au Travail, Vol 1, 2014.



  1. 34. Essama Eno Belinga, A Njifou, S Ananga Noa, W Bell Ngan. Lichen plan buccal érosif : rapport de cas. Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale, Vol 35, N° 143, 2013; p26-30.
  2. 35. A Njifou Njimah, R Njock, L Essama, H Moby, M Motah, V Fonyam,

LJ Bitang, JC Zambo Oyono, A Ndjolo, C Ebana Mvogo. Profil de la pathologie ORL à l’Hopital Laquintinie de Douala. Médecine d’Afrique Noire, Vol 60, N° 10, 2013 ; p 415-418.



  1. 36. E.H. Moby Mpah, P.J. Fouda, T. Sala-Beyeme, E.C. Eboumbou Moukoko, Njifou Njimah, J.-G. Tsiagadigui, H.J.G. Berthe, J. Mekeme Mekeme, F. Angwafo III. Les urgences andrologiques en milieu urbain au Cameroun : aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques Andrologic emergencies in urban area of Cameroon: clinical and therapeutical features. Andrologie DOI 10.1007/s12610-012-0190-3.
  2. 37. Mapoure NY., Gnonlonfoun D, Ossou-Guiet PM, Mbatchou Ngahane BH, Njifou Njimah Amadou, Motah M, Njock R, Luma NH, Mouelle SA. Etiologies des céphalées en milieu hospitalier tertiaire en afrique sub-saharienne. Le Bénin Médical, N° 51-52 – Année 2012



  1. 38. Fewou A, Ngonde Sende C , Njifou N A, Essame Oyono JL, Vetter JM. Cancers primitifs multiples : A propos d’une observation avec 3 tumeurs différentes. Health Sci. Dis: Vol 12 (1), March 2011





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7- Name: Guy Sedar Singor NJATENG

Academic Rank: Senior Lecturer

Speciality: Biochemistry,

Sub-speciality: Pharmacology and Clinical Biochemistry

Address: P.O. Box 96 Dschang, Cameroon; Phone: +237 650668723/+237 696732829


ORCID N°: 0000-0001-9362-8822; H index (RG): 13





  1. 1. Ding C.F., Yu h.F., Shi .L., Ge S.C., Njateng G.S.S., Qin .J., Dai Z., Zhang R.P., Zhang H.B., Luo .D. Rapid and unambiguous assignment of proton-deficient N-acyl amidine indole alkaloid by a combination of calculation methods. Tetrahedron Letters, 68:152949.
  2. 2. Wang Y., Njateng G.S.S., Zhao T., Yang M., Wang Y., Cao J., Liu Y., Cheng G. 2021. Evaluation of Acute and Subacute Toxicity of Two Different Extracts from Que Zui Tea in Rats. eFood, 2: 81-91.
  3. 3. Yang M., Wang Y., Fan ., Xue Q., Njateng G.S.S., Liu Y., Cao J., Khan A., Cheng G. 2021. Chemical constituents and anti-inflammatory activity of the total alkaloid extract from Melodinus cochinchinensis (Lour.) Merr. and its inhibition of the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways. Phytomedicine, 153684.


  1. 4. Jin Q., Wei X., Qin X-J., Gao F, Zhu P-F., Yuan H-L., Njateng G.S.S., Dai Z., Liu Y-P., Luo X-D. 2020. Racemic immunosuppressive seco-aporphine derivatives from Thalictrum wangii. Fitoterapia, 140:104445.
  2. 5. Aboudi Etono C.E., Mouokeu R.S., Njateng G.S.S., Tchinda Tiabou A., Ebelle Etame R.M., Ngono Ngane R.A., Mouelle Sone A. 2020. Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Fractions from Bridelia micrantha Stem Bark Methanol Extract. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9:1102-1119.
  3. 6. Zhao Y-L., Su M., Shang J-H., Wang X., Njateng G.S.S., Bao G-L., Ma J.,· Sun Q-D., Yuan F., Wang J-K., Luo X-D. 2020. Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Indole Alkaloids from Leaves of Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. in Mice and Rats. Natural Products and Bioprospecting.
  4. 7. Yang M., Wang Y., Fan Z., Xue Q., Njateng G.S.S., Liu Y., Cao J., Zhao T., Cheng G. 2020. Acute and Sub‑Acute Toxicological Evaluations of Bioactive Alkaloidal Extract from Melodinus henryi and Their Main Chemical Constituents. Natural Products and Bioprospecting,
  5. 8. Yang M., Wang Y., Patel G., Xue Q., Njateng G.S.S., Cai S., Cheng G., Kai G. 2020. In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory effects of different extracts from Epigynum auritum through down-regulation of NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 261 :113105.
  6. 9. Sokoudjou J.B., Atolani O., Njateng G.S.S., Khan A., Tagouso C.N., Bitombo A.N., Kodjio N., Gatsing D. 2020. Isolation, characterization and in vitro anti-salmonellal activity of compounds fromstem bark extract ofCanariumschweinfurthii. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 20:316.
  7. 10. Feudjio C., Yameen M.A., Njateng G.S.S., Khan M.A., Tamekou S.L., Simo Mpetga J.D., Kuiate J-R. 2020. The Influence of Solvent, Host, and Phenological Stage on theYield, Chemical Composition, and Antidiabetic and AntioxidantProperties ofPhragmanthera capitata(Sprengel) S. Balle. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2020, Article ID 6284925, 16 pages.


  1. 11. Shehzad M.T., Imran A., Njateng G.S.S., Hameed A., Islam M., al-Rashida M., Uroos M., Asari A., Shafiq Z., Iqbal J. 2019. Benzoxazinone-thiosemicarbazones as antidiabetic leads via aldose reductase inhibition: Synthesis, biological screening and molecular docking study. Bioorganic Chemistry. 87: 857-866.
  2. 12. Yang M., Wu Z., Wang, Kai G., Njateng G.S.S., Cai S., Cao J., Cheng G. 2019. Acute and subacute toxicity evaluation of ethanol extract from aerial parts of Epigynum auritum in mice. Food and chemical toxicology. 131:110534.

13.Zhao T., Sun M., Kong L., Wang R., Njateng G.S.S., Cheng G. 2019. Phytochemical investigation on the fruiting body of Russula aruea Pers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 86: 103912.

  1. 14. Meffo DongmoC., Njateng G.S.S., Tamokou J.D.D., Tane P., Kuiate J-R. 2019. Essential Oils from Seeds of Aframomum citratum (C. Pereira) K. Schum, Aframomum daniellii (Hook. F.) K. Schum, Piper capense (Lin. F) and Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal NL and their Antioxidant Capacity in a Cosmetic Cream, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 22:324-334.
  2. 15. Meffo Dongmo S.C., Tamokou J.D.D., Njateng G.S.S., Tane P., Kuiate J-R. 2019. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Aframomum citratum, Aframomum daniellii, Piper capense and Monodora myristica. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 13: 173-187.
  3. 16. Talom Tangue B., Tagne Simo R., Talla E., Fodouop Chegaing S.P., Njateng G.S.S., Nyemb J.N., Almas J., Huma Aslam B., Rukesh M. , Tatsadjieu Ngoune L., Kuiate J-R. 2019. Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Properties of Crude Extract and Compounds from Boswellia dalzielii International Journal of Biosciences. 14: 161-171.
  4. 17. Fowa A.B., Djoueudam F.G., NjatengS.S., Ngoudjou Tsafack D., Sokoudjou J.B., Kodjio N., Gatsing D. 2019. In vitro antisalmonellal activities of leaf extracts of Adenia lobata Jacq. (Passifloraceae) and mechanism of action of the most active extract on Salmonella Typhi ATCC6539. International Journal of Biology Research. 4: 18-25.
  5. 18. Aboudi Etono C.E., Mouokeu R.S., Njateng G.S.S., Tchinda Tiabou A., Ebelle Etame R., Ngono Ngane R.A. 2019. Antibacterial Activity of Methanol Extract and Fractions from Stem Bark of Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill. (Phyllanthaceae)”. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology. 7: 609-616.
  6. 19. Chimi Yetendje L., Njateng G.S.S., Agokeng Dongmo A-J., Mouokeu R.S., Feudjio C., Tamekou S.L., Iqbal J. 2019. In vivo antidiabetic activity and mechanism of action of three Cameroonian medicinal plant extracts. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 7: 415-430.


  1. 20. NjatengS.S., Zaib S., Chimi Y.L., Feudjio C., Mouokeu R.S., Gatsing D., Kuiate J-K, Adewole E., Iqbal J. 2018. Antidiabetic potential of methanol extracts from leaves of Piper umbellatum L. and Persea americana Mill. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 8:160-165.
  2. 21. Ding C-F, Ma H-X, Yang J., Qin X-J., NjatengS.S., Yu H-F., Wei X., Liu Y-P., Huang W-Y., Yang Z-F., Wang X-H., Luo X-D. 2018. Antibacterial Indole Alkaloids with Complex Heterocycles from Voacanga africana. Organic Letters. 20:2702-2706.
  3. 22. Armel- Agokeng D.J., Chimi Y.L., Njateng G.S.S., Gatsing D., Kuiate J-R. Antidermatophytic activity and adverse side effects of the methanolic extract from leaves of Ageratum conyzoides (Asteraceae). Investigational Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology. 1:19.
  4. 23. Feudjio C., Njateng G.S.S., Kuiate J-K. 2018. Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of Aqueous Extract of Leaves from Phragmanthera capitata (Sprengel) S. Balle (Laurenthaceae) in Wistar Albino Rats. Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants. 4: 96-109.
  5. 24. Adewole E., Ojo A., Omoaghe A.O., Enye L.A., Njateng G.S.S., Sumera Z., Jamshed I. 2018. Antidiabetic potential of corn silk extracts, identification and drug properties of bioactive compounds. Trends in Medicine. 18: 1-7.
  6. 25. Sokoudjou J.B., Njateng G.S.S., Fodouop S.P.C., Kodjio K., Atsafack S.S., Fowa A.B., Djimeli M.N. and Gatsing D. 2018. In vitro antisalmonellal and antioxidant activities of Canarium schweinfurthii stem bark extracts. Academia Journal of Medicinal Plants. 6: 331-341.


  1. 26. Njateng G.S.S., Du Z.Z., Gatsing D., Mouokeu R.S., Liu Y., Zang H-X., Gu J., Luo X-D, and Kuiate J-R. 2017. Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of crude extract, fractions and compounds from the stem bark of Polyscias fulva Hiern (Araliaceae). BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 17:99.
  2. 27. Ngoudjou T.D., Arfat Y.M., Njateng G.S.S., Nyemb J.N., Fokunang C., Nighat F., Gatsing D. 2017. GC/MS analysis, in vitro and in vivo antisalmonellal potential of methanol leaf extracts of Tristemma mauritianum and effects on hematological parameters in wistar rats. International Journal of Pharmacy. 7: 120-131.
  3. 28. Ngoudjou Tsafack D., Kodjio N., Njateng G.S.S., Fankam A.G., Fokunang C., Tala D.S., and Gatsing D. 2017. In vitro antisalmonella and antioxidant effects of various extracts from leaves and stem of Tristemma mauritianum (Melastomataceae). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 8:1916-1921.
  4. 29. Djimeli M.N., Fodouop S.P.C., Njateng G.S.S., Fokunang C., Tala D.S., Kengni F., and Gatsing D. 2017. Antibacterial activities and toxicological study of the aqueous extract from leaves of Alchornea cordifolia (Euphorbiaceae). BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 17:349.
  5. 30. Djimeli M.N., Mendimi Nkodo J.M., Njateng G.S.S., Fokunang C., Kodjio N., Atsafack S.S., Nkuete Lonfouo A.H., Sokoudjou J.B., Guewo-Fokeng M., and Gatsing D. 2017. In vitro Antioxidant and Anti-salmonellal activities of StemBark extracts of Enantia chlorantha (Annonaceae). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 8:1-12.


  1. 31. Atsafack S.S., Kodjio N., Njateng G.S.S., Sokoudjou J.B., Kuiate J.R. and Gatsing D. 2016. Anti-infectious and in-vivo antioxydant activities of Albizia gummifera aqueous stem bark extract against Salmonella typhi-induced typhoid fever in rats. International Journal of Pharmacy. 6: 20-30.
  2. 32. Kodjio N., Atsafack S.S., Njateng G.S.S., Sokoudjou J.B., Kuiate J.R. and Gatsing D. Antioxidant Effect of Aqueous Extract of Curcuma longa Rhizomes (Zingiberaceae) in the Typhoid Fever Induced in Wistar Rats Model. Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 7: 113.


  1. 33. Njateng G.S.S., Du Z.Z., Gatsing D., Nanfack Donfack A.R., Talla M.F., Kamdem Wabo H., Tane P., Mouokeu R.S., Luo X-D, and Kuiate J-R. 2015. Antifungal properties of a new terpernoid saponin and other compounds from the Stem Bark of Polyscias fulva Hiern (Araliaceae). BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 15:25.
  2. 34. Mouokeu R.S., Miame K.S., Njateng G.S.S., Kamtchueng M.O., Sama F.L. and Kuiate J-R. 2015. Activity of Methanol/Methylene Extract Mixtures from Monodora myristica (Gaertn), Xylopia aethiopica and Eremomastax speciosa (Hochst.) Against Candida albicans. Pharmacologia. 6: 430-437.
  3. 35. Sama Fonkeng L., Mouokeu R.S., Tume C, Njateng G.S.S., Kamcthueng M.O., Ndonkou N.J. and Kuiate J.R. 2015. Anti‑Staphylococcus aureus activity of methanol extracts of 12 plants used in Cameroonian folk medicine. BMC Research notes. 8:710.


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