Redeployment of Personnel
The first hundred days of Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dschang has been marked by administrative changes. The main one on the 16th of December 2015 being the appointment of office heads in a bid to render the processing of administrative documents more fluid. These appointments completing the administrative outlay, stand as the first of its kind in the University of Dschang since 1993. Another decision that carries the mark of the newly appointed VC is that which instructs the reshuffling of some personnel in major services of his institution. In some services we notice the arrival of a good number of university personnel to boost the capacity of these services. This has been done to foster the system of collective dynamism. A case of redeployment that drew much attention involved some offices of the chancellery. It can also be noticed that of the VC to be closely surrounded by his collaborators, the deputy Vice Chancellors were moved to the third floor or the chancellery. A certain hierarchical organization as far as the processing of documents is equally noticed. /DT