Conference 2017
CAMTEL bolsters the ambiance
Dschang-UDs-SIC-18/05/17. For the second consecutive time, CAMTEL has proven its worth as a leading company in supporting knowledge sharing activities, by giving a special touch in the monthly grand conferences organized by University of Dschang. Amidst the euphoric atmosphere of the conference was a special gift offered by CAMTEL. CAMTEL offered free 4G wifi to all participants, thus permitting everybody to be connected online for blogging and interacting on the social media networks of UDs. CAMTEL also offered free services and information to users of their products. Another very important aspect in this thrive was the presence of Mrs Vong Aline Mireille, Branch Head, CAMTEL-Dschang, and a Post graduate student of the Dschang School of Economics and Management Sciences-UDs who proactively took part in the conference, thus giving a special moral support albeit her tight schedule. In an interview, she said that “CAMTEL is more than ever overwhelmed to be part of this stride which promotes R&D”. Thus, it is no doubt that the presence of CAMTEL is a big boost to this activity, as they permit everybody to stay connected./