UDs proclaims its 2016/2017 academic year results
An academic calendar well respected
Dschang UDs/SIC-03/08/17. The Amphi 1000 of the University of Dschang was full to capacity with administrative, teaching and non-teaching staff as well as students who came to witness the official proclamation ceremony of the 2016/2017 academic year results as well as the award of certificates from 1998-2014. The event which started at 11.am commenced with the welcome address of the VREPTIC/UDs Prof. Mpoame Mbida. In his highly bilingual speech, he described the occasion as an achievement which resulted from the concerted efforts of both the staff and students who have been working under the ideals of togetherness installed by the Vice chancellor Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso. Portraying the University of Dschang as an inspiration, the Deputy Vice chancellor made known the fact that with its 5 research centers and 46 laboratories, the University of Dschang has so far produced more than 60 PhDs an action copied by other sister universities. He praised UDs’ efforts in respecting the academic calendar facilitating the mobility of the BMD system. The DAAC /UDs, Prof Wanda Robert, officially carrying out his duty for the first time after his appointment in front of a significant population, seized the opportunity to promise his devotedness to the Head of States for the responsibility endowed upon him. He then went on to give the following statistics as concerns the results of the various faculties;
Faculty Registered % of success No of certificates in Bachelors and Masters.
FLSH 6092 71.37 882
FSEG 4514 77.46 374
FS 8828 73.27 17.13
FASA 2456 12.27 17.13
IUT-FV 3811 80.08 10.80
IBAF 733 90.44 75
Total 30275 76.40 5278
The Deans were then invited to lead the proclamation of result phase during which they took turns to read out the names of the 5 most outstanding students in their various departments. This exercise which lasted above an hour was highly appreciated as students from all the faculties, antenna and annex of UDs took up turns to receive their transcripts from the deans and heads of departments. This phase was followed by a premiere which was the handing over of certificates for students having graduated within the years 1998-2014. The students under this category present equally received their certificates from the administrative and academic authorities present. To crown the phase of the proclamation of results, Prof Wansi Sylvie President of Female Teaching staff and DAAF/UDs offered the sum of 25.000 Frs to the best female students of all the faculties and schools of UDs. Students were then given the floor through their representative Dominique Yatcheu who thanked the VC and his staff for making them holders of PhDs, Masters and Bachelor degrees within the stipulated time. He particularly showed gratitude for the VC for the health insurance offered to students and to the Head of State for the 500.000 laptops which though not yet received will certainly come.
VC Lauds Staff
The Vice Chancellor Prof Tsafack Nanfosso expressed great joy as he eloquently gave his address for the day. He seized the opportunity to thank the newly appointed and former staff for their efforts which led to the great results witnessed. He equally praised all the faculties for sending in the results on time, congratulating the students for their brilliant success. The Vice chancellor described the occasion as a historic event given the fact that 9225 certificates signed by the Minister of Higher Education were ready for the students. Considered as new university governance given the fact that certificates will henceforth be handed over on time, the VC assured all present that the University is equally putting everything in place to ensure a qualitative and quantitative improvement in the institution. As prove of this he announced the recruitment of 55 teaching staff to fit in with numerical replacement. With much satisfaction, Prof Nanfosso revealed that the ceremony marked the end of a well merited year reminding all that the pace observed was normal as UDs is simply adhering to the statutes agreed upon by the Head of States of the CEMAC zone. The rounded up on a very optimistic note, making known UDs’ position of best University in Cameroon and in the CEMAC zone from the results of the July 2017 session of the World university ranking system “Webomatrics ranking”. He disclosed the beginning of the 2017/2018 academic year for Thursday 28th September 2017 while the closing ceremony and proclamation of results will take place on Tuesday July 31st 2018. /GC