Official Launching Ceremony of Fonduds
Donors set the pillars for the foundation
Dschang-UDs/SIC-05/08/17.The 5th of August 2017, will stand to be remembered in the history of the University of Dschang as it marked the launching ceremony of the University of Dschang Foundation (FONDUDs), a partnership development tool at the service of innovation. The ceremony at the amphi 1000 brought together high governmental authorities, economic operators and business men who came to foster the development of the University of Dschang through the created project. Being the second day of the event, preceded by the Constitutive board meeting of FONDUDs which took place on Friday August 4th at the chancellery hall, the Vice Chancellor/UDs Prof Tsafack Nanfosso in his opening address did not hide his gratitude to all those who worked relentlessly to make the event happen. He highlighted the objective of the foundation which was clearly embedded in his mind since his installation at the helm of the institution on September 2015. Given the peculiarities of the University of Dschang with its wide geographical location nationwide which gives it an upper hand over other universities in Cameroon, the VC, thought it wise to copy what is happening abroad, implant income generating activities and also seek the generosity of individuals and groups so as to improve on the managerial and infrastructural domains of the University. He assured donors of strict transparency rules to be applied on all funds collected and concluded by encouraging all to continue to dream big in order to attain higher heights. A video projection was then presented at the end of the VC’s speech which gave detailed information on FONDUDs particularly its raison d’être, its function and membership conditions. The president of the General Assembly of FONDUDs, Mr. SINDZE Jacob, General Manager of AREA ASSURANCES then took up the floor to appreciate the FONDUDs project, a rare initiative carried out by a State University. He showed greater honor to the Vice chancellor Prof Tsafack Nanfosso for initiating such a project which he believes will help the institution maintain its first position in various domains even the digital and infrastructural level. The, president then gave the floor for some testimonies and encouraging words from donors. The Representative of the Minister of Higher Education, Prof Abane Engolo Patrick, the President of GICAM Mr. Celestine Tawamba, Hon. Albert Kouinche representative of le GROUP SOCIAL 30, Mme Tamaze Marie, President of non-teaching female staff all took up turns to express their support for such an initiative which will be highly beneficial to the University and the Region at large. Time was then given for the collection of pledges after which the secretariat read out details of the various contributions. At the end of the day, a total of over one hundred and thirty- seven million six hundred and ninety three thousand francs (137.693.000) CFA was collected. The President of the General Assembly of FONDUDS showed great satisfaction as he gave the final words for the day. He encouraged more people to get involved in this developmental project while calling on those who have pledged to redeem them promptly. With the launching of such a great project all present were highly convinced that the way to greatness for the University of Dschang stands unperturbed. /GC