FS launches SEP2D workshop

Valuation of aromatic plants and plants for cosmetic use in Cameroon

Dschang-UDs/SIC-07/02/18. The Faculty of Sciences of UDs organized a  workshop of the SEP2D project on the valuation of aromatic plants and plants for cosmetic use in Cameroon following the Principle of Access and Benefit Sharing (APA). This workshop took place at the International House of GIE/UDs at 9.00am with the participation of over 30 participants. During the launching ceremony, the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Prof Ngameni Emmanuel lauded the organizers and stated that it was a platform related to the start of the activities of the SEP2D project (Southern Expert Plants Sustainable Development) carried within the Faculty of Sciences by the Research Unit of Applied Botany (URBOA). Stating that it aims at promoting the aromatic plants of the Western Highlands of Cameroon following the mechanism of Access and Sharing Benefits related to the use of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge (APA).

Here is an excerpt of his speech in French

https://wwwbk2.univ-dschang.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Mot-du-Doyen.pdfMot du Doyen