Financial Seminar
Staff drilled on financial governance
Dschang SIC/UDs-27/03/18.As part of the execution of the budget of the University of Dschang for the 2018 Fiscal Year, a seminar on the restitution of the 2018 circular was organized for the staff of the budget and financial chain under the supervision of the Vice Chancellor today, Tuesday, March 27th , 2018 at the « International House » of Campus A, at 9 am. Present at the occasion was the Deputy Vice chancellor representing the Vice Chancellor and over 80 staff of the financial chain of the University of Dschang. During his launching speech, the Vice Chancellor called on staff to adhere to the financial governance system put in place. He indicated that the seminar was a platform to guide internal and external financial practices as well as conform with laid down financial laws. The Vice Chancellor added that despite limitations in resources there was a need to spur conscious efforts geared at proper financial management. He highlighted the expectations of the seminar and called on participants to pay keen attention to exposes presented by speakers during the event.
The VC lauded the initiative saying “…Everybody is aware of the challenges involved in financial governance; most often we make a lot of mistakes by ignorance of the law and regulations. The head of the institution thought it important to organize this training seminar on how to present our financial document, how to justify our expenditures, how to ensure that we follow the rules and regulations and assure that the signatories of the various documents don’t get in trouble with State control. It is a very important exercise that will complete our search for excellence in administrative, academic, digital governance and why not excellence in financial governance”.
The seminar was moderated by the DAAF/UDs, Prof Sylvie Wansi, who presented a list of exposes and guest speakers scheduled for the seminar. They included; regularity of financial records, innovation in the 2018 circular, presentation on the different supportive documents and different types of taxs deduction. It is obvious that this seminar will improve on the capacity of financial staff of the institutions and help the university attain its mission in financial governance.