Academic Union Oxford Achievement forum 2020
« Victory is a result of collective dynamics »
Dschang,UDs/SIC-01/07/20.The head of the institution, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso after a 3 hour video conference today 1st July 2020, expresses satisfaction after the University of Dschang was awarded Best University Award and he was honoured with a certificate. A brief chat with the Information and Conferences Service of the university highlights his first impressions (excerpts)
SIC-How did you welcome such a prestigious award?
Vice-Chancellor: Humbly I think the University of Dschang continues on its trajectory of performance based on certain laid down results recognized at the international level. Academic Oxford Union has existed for over a century and is aimed at carrying out research worldwide to select and create better opportunities between institutions, enterprises among others in order to take leadership positions in performance and excellence. We were surprised when we were nominated amongst other universities in the world and today during the solemn ceremony online we received the award of Best University Award. The University is rewarded for its hard work and professionalism of its university community. This is a result of collective efforts by students, non-teaching and teaching staff. To round it up, it’s a victory of collective dynamics and it’s an award dedicated to all.
After being amongst the nominees were you already sure of victory?
Vice-Chancellor: After being amongst the nominees there was no rush to jump into conclusions since we never knew the other nominated universities. The selection is done secretly, the organ detects, identifies institutions and organizations worldwide from all continents. So there is no guarantee that once nominated you will win the award. We remained calm after the nomination knowing that certain indexes went in our favour to be in the group of nominees and that those points may lead us to the finish line in clinching the award.
With such an award what is your next step of governance?
Vice-Chancellor: We need to move forward, because when you receive such an award you have to remain humble and recognize that only hard work pays. From our point of view, I think we will continue to build, teach and research. I think our university community comprising of students, teaching and non-teaching staff will continue in the same collaborative spirit to ensure excellence. It is my greatest desire that in two years from now, we be nominated again and if we double our efforts may be, we can be compensated with another award.
Thank you