African Academy of Languages

Professor Beban S. Chumbow, President

Dschang, UDs/ SIC-29/05/2017. Professor Beban S. Chumbow, Board Chair of the University of Dschang, was nominated and unanimously elected as the new President of the African Academy of Languages (ACALAN). This  assembly of Academicians, which took place on the 7th and 8th of March 2017,in Addis Ababa,Ethopia unanimously acclaimed professor Chumbow, who accepted his election and pledged commitment to consolidate the achievements of his predecessors and work together with other academicians, ACALAN Secretariat and partners to cover new grounds in the implementation of ACALAN mission. ACALAN is an intergovernmental organization operating under the auspices of the African Union by virtue of its statute adopted by the Sixth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union, (Assembly/AU/Dec.95 (VI), held in Khartoum in January 2006.

Professor Beban S. Chumbow, is currently distinguished rector and Professor at ICT University USA, Cameroon Campus and Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at the University of Yaounde? 1. He has published extensively in Generative Phonology and Language buy ativan order lorazepam online Policy and Planning in a multilingual setting. He is a foundation Member of the African Academy of Languages (ACALAN), organ of the African Union (AU); former Member of the Linguistic Society of America, Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and Vice President of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences (CAS). He has served as Rector/ Vice Chancellor (Executive Head) of four Universities and has been visiting Professor to major universities in Europe, USA, Canada, Asia and Africa. Among other distinguished international functions, he served as Member of the Scientific Committee of the Council for Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Member of Council of the Association of African Universities (AAU), and member of the Scientific Council of the ‘Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie’ (AUF), Member of Council of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).

As Board Chair of the University of Dschang, Professor Beban S. Chumbow, with these enormous competences, is a necessary wealth of resource to propel  the university to unrivaled heights. 

(source:   and IntechOpenopenAcessPublisher-openscienceopenmindsin Techopen  )