Study in Japan
Dschang,UDs/SIC-19/08/21.The Vice Chancellor of the University of Dschang informs students of his institution that the study in Japan Fair dedicated to introducing Graduate studies is going to be held soon. Interested students can visit the links mentioned below for more information.
For the graduate program 1 (Social Sciences, humanities and business and administration) 25th Wednesday -27th Friday August 2021 8.00am-10 am Cameroon Time (GMT+1) meet 23 Japanese Universities
Graduate program 2(Natural Sciences, mathematics, engineering, medicine, etc)
8th-10 September 8; 00 am-10:00 am Cameroon Time (GMT+1)
The event page and registration will be open on 23rd August
General information live session: Day 1
University presentation and consultation directly with the universities: Day 2 and 3
How to attend
Check the event details https://subsaharan.studyinjapan-africa-portal.com/
And register (for free) from https://schoolynk-event.com/events/b0af021ec915-47d4-930f-f5a044354840/registration/profile
Any inquiries on this fair : studyinjapan-africa@doorkel.com