Nov 23, 2020


Fourth call for innovative ideas

 Dschang,UDs/SIC-23/11/20.The Vice chancellor of the University of Dschang informs the general public and members of the university community in particular that the Support center for Technology, Innovation and Incubation of the University of DschangLire la suite
Nov 20, 2020

2020/2021 Official reopening ceremony

…Satisfied but there is the need to push forward- Vice-Chancellor UDs

Dschang,UDs/SIC-20/11/20. During the Official reopening ceremony which was marked by an impressive academic procession, an ecumenical prayer session, an inaugural lesson, award of certificates and the oath-taking sessionLire la suite
Nov 20, 2020

Semaine Scientifique et culturelle 2020

Prof Tsafack Nanfosso émerveillé par les établissements

Dschang,UDs/SIC-18/11/20.Avant de descendre ses rideaux, le site  des activités de la  4ème édition des  Journées portes ouvertes/semaine scientifique et culturelle de l’Université de Dschang a reçu un visiteur important, le Conseil Rectoral.Lire la suite