Collective dynamics games on three different sites
Collective dynamics games on three different sites
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It would have been unfathomable to conceive the possibility of realizing UGs in a deconcerntrated manner on three different sites. But yes, it is happening. Commencing with the solemn opening of the games at the Main stadium of Campus A of UDs, which tacitly implied same in Bandjoun and Foumban, the games have been running in a harmonious style. While Dschang serves as the principal base, officials and athletes are either moving from Dschang to the other sites or living on site. The spirit of the University games is truly spread through the region as the inhabitants of Bandjoun and Foumban just like those of Dschang are reminded of the cultural diversity of our beloved country through the creative ingenuity in terms of dressing, dancing and rhythms of the various fans clubs of participating institutions. While athletics and female football competition are played in Bandjoun, wrestling takes center stage in the town of Foumban and the rest of the games on Campus A in Dschang. The specificity of this edition is the fact that the deconcerntration is harmonized in such a way that sporting competitions take place in these sites from May 5th, to May
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10th a day before the official closing. It must be noted that competitions and medal award ceremonies take place in all three places as it would have been done in a unique location. Foumban opens the page for medal award ceremony in wrestling on the 7th of May. Thereafter, the medal award ceremony for female football competition, athletics and paralympics takes place in Bandjoun on the 10th of May while Campus A in Dschang engages in team sports such as handball, table tennis, volley ball, basket-ball, lawn tennis and others in Dschang on that same 10th. The spirit of collective dynamics is truely in practice.