Colloquium on CyberCriminality and CyberSecurity
98% of communications results in key recommendations and resolutions
Yaoundé,UDs/SIC-07/05/21. During the general report, recommendations and resolutions tabled from the 7 workshop sessions at the end of the 2 day multidisciplinary colloquium on Cyber criminality and cyber security in Cameroon and Africa noticed that 98% of the expected communications presented yielded prospective projections. Prof Henri MODI KOKO presenting the resolutions and recommendations highlighted that the brainstorming session gave birth to recommendations on strategic and political policies and as well as scientific orientations. Reflections and intense debates punctuated the working sessions that necessitated some research axes: develop strategies and actions to be carried out by the government and different stake holders in the domain of cyber criminality and cyber security.
Workshop No 1 had as principal theme: The knowledge of cyber criminality and cyber security in Cameroon and Africa, moderated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, VREPTIC UDs Prof Jean Njoya assisted by Dr Eric BETRAND LEKINI of UDs as the rapporteur. With 5 key presentations had as resolutions and recommendations; need for the implication of all stakeholders in the fight against cyber criminality, train experts in cyber criminality and security and engage in permanent sensibilization. Political and strategic recommendation requests the reinforcement of cooperation between states, adoption of specific laws, and harmonization of different legislations on the subject.
Workshop no 2 on the knowledge of cyber criminality and cyber security in Cameroon and Africa was moderated by Prof. Yvette Rachelle Kalieu, Vice Dean of the FSJP assisted by Dr. Stella Chakounte and Dr Georges Macaire Eyenga of UDs with all 6 communications presented . This had as recommendations on a scientific plan: The Introduction of a module relative to cyber security and cyber criminality in all strata that is in the primary, secondary and tertiary level, reinforce the capacity of teaching staff and trainers on the question of cyber criminality and security, elaborate a research programme on cyber criminality, strategic and political recommendation proposes research and broadcast the method and techniques of cyber criminality. Make visible and reinforce the actions of ANTICS in relation to different publics. Impose on mobile telecommunication companies to collaborate in the fight against cyber criminality. Reinforce sub regional cooperation in the fight against cybercrime and by reinforcing the communication on cybercrime through national media through different languages in line with the concerned public.
Workshop no 3 on Technical Environment of Cyber criminality moderated by Prof. Thomas Tamo .T Director of UIT Fotso Victor and assisted by Prof Clementin Tayou and Dr. Landry Foko Sindjoung with all 8 communications presented. Had as resolutions: develop a cyber-culture, Education in strict respect of procedures, conception and implementation on training in cyber security while attracting a significant number of specialists, reinforce cooperation between enterprises, universities, administrators, on the technology and research results on cyber security, initiate and finance research projects in technology in cyber security that will involve the following terms such as cloud computing, cryptology, among others.
Workshop No 4 Judicial and Political Environment of Cyber Security moderated by Prof. Henri MODI KOKO Bebey, Dean FSJP UDs and assisted by Dr. Francis EDOO and Dr. Christain MVAEBEME of UDs had 10 presentations : recommendations: reinforce training of key security agents, police force, the judiciary in cybercrime and ethics, regular or permanent association in the preparation related to cybercrime and security, creation at the university’s sphere, a research laboratory specialized in the research of scientific prove related to cybercrime offenses. In strategy and governmental policies; the development of an insurance agency that will work with specialized organs in the fight against cyber crime is primordial/
Workshop No 5 Political Diplomatic and Strategic Environment moderated Prof. Hilaire Prince de POKAM HOD Political Science FSJP UDs and assisted by Dr. Georges Etoa Oyono and Dr. Menzepo of UDs and had as resolutions; the impact of cybercrime in the society, revise the law on cyber offenses. On a scientific phase, the creation of a department of geopolitics, geostrategic of the virtual scene, encourage cooperation between experts and researchers, publication outlets for cooperation results. The creation of a military cyber command to reinforce security, diplomatic missions, elaboration of a cyber-policy in Cameroon. Increase public investment budget for investigation bureau.
Workshop N0 6 Economic, Philosophical, And Psychological And International Environment Of Cyber Criminality and Cyber Security, moderated by Profs Marie Therese Um-Ngouem and Alexis NGATCHOU, Dean FSEG UDs and Technical Advisor assisted by Dr. Gabrielle Kamno and Dr. Ekotto with recommendations, create a chart of micro financing and the virtualization of data put in place by the mobile money operators, specific mode of insurance for cyber criminality , a strategy to ameliorate security education and follow-up of victims of internet fraud, among others.
Workshop No 7 African and International Perspective on cyber criminality and Security presided by Prof. AMADOU Monkare with recommendations geared to encourage Cameroonian universities to integrate cybernetic research teams. Put in place cyber security; create a competitive platform for the best ideas to fight cyber criminality, more visibly create regional agencies for cyber security, explore genius in the universe and associate them against the fight of cyber criminality. Training, updates of legislation, international operations to reinforce capacity of professionals./