Conference 2017
ICC and Africa’s position
Dschang,SIC/UDs-19-04/17.Within its framework of organizing educative and animative conferences, the Dschang University Post Graduate School organized its third conference on the 19th of April 2017 on the theme; Withdrawal of African Courts from the ICC and the future of the African Court of Justice. This was piloted by the Dschang School of law. The dean of the faculty of law and political science, Professor Henri Modi Koko Bebey welcomed students, panelists, and the university community to this academic event. He expressed the wish of the faculty for the conference to serve as a knowledge exchange venue. He pointed out that the phenomenon of African States withdrawing from the ICC and the creation of the African Court of Justice are topical issues and warranted the scientific contribution of the law school. The panelist, seasoned academics, handled the theme with such ease and lucidity under the following sub-themes; The History and Evolution of the ICC by Prof. Monkaree, Jurisprudence of the ICC and the Protection of Human Rights in Africa by Prof Gnimpieba, The ICC in the International Criminal law System by Prof. Keubou, Controversies surrounding the definition of crimes under the jurisdiction of the ICC by Prof. Keutcheu. At the end, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Dschang, Professor Roger Nanfosso expressed immense diligence for the academic prowess of the panelist and meticulous questions posed by the students. To him, a university is a place where people should develop ideas, build and exchange knowledge that can provide common solutions to common problems and the University of Dschang provides that environment in organizing conferences like these. In fact, he concluded by saying that the University of Dschang is a place to be./ vm