Bresil,UDs/SIC-11/11/21.After Brasilia, The Vice Chancellor, his collaborators, and the first Counsellor of the Cameroon Ambassy moved to Belem for the second step of the visit. Belem is the main city of the State of Para, and it is where the main campus of Federal University of Para (UFPA) is located. The UFPA is the most populous federal university in Brazil, with about 58000 students.
11 November 2021
The Vice Chancellor and his team were welcomed by the Vice-Rector (Prof Jima), in the presence of the Dean of International Relations (Prof Edmar Tavares da Costa), the Director of International Agreements and Strategic Affairs (Prof Maria Amelia Enriquez), The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (Prof Sylvestre), representatives of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the Coordinator of the Brazil-Africa House (Prof Dionisio Poey).
- Welcome address by the Vice Rector: presentation of the UFPA and the international cooperation in UFPA;
- Word from the Vice Chancellor of the UDs: presentation of the Cameroon higher education system and the University of Dschang;
- Presentation of the post graduate programmes in the UFPA;
- Word from the Coordinator of the Brazil-Africa House;
- Presentation of some research programmes of the Faculty of Pharmacy, by Prof Roseane Ribeiro and Prof Maria Fani Dolabela;
- Presentation of the Faculty of Medicine of the UFPA;
- Presentation of the FMPS-UDs by Prof Simeon Pierre Choukem;
- Presentation of the Faculty of Science of UDs by Prof Emmanuel Ngameni;
12 November 2021
- Visit of the Amazon Energy Efficiency Center (CEAMAZON), a laboratory that focusses on research on renewable energies;
- Campus tour in an electric bus (property of CEAMAZON), with the Director of International Agreements and Strategic Affairs, Prof Maria Amelia Enriquez, and the coordinator of the CEAMAZON;
- Audience with the Rector of the UFPA, Prof Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho, in the presence of the Vice Rector, the Dean of International Relations (Prof Edmar Tavares da Costa), the Director of International Agreements and Strategic Affairs, the president of foreign students of UFPA (Israel Hounsou, of Beninese nationality), and the only Cameroonian student in UFPA (7th year medicine);
- Official signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two Universities;
- Visit of laboratories: pharmaceutical nanotechnology, pharmaceutical chemistry, phytopharmacology, galenics;
- Visit of the Brazil-Africa House, with exchanges with the coordinator and the students.
End of the visit.