FONDUDs and ADN sign a partnership agreement
Dschang,UDs/SIC-20/07/21.The University of Dschang Foundation, (FONDUDs) today 20th July 2022, signed a partnership agreement with the Africa Development Network (ADN), a professional network based in OTTAWA, Canada. This ceremony took place in the Thesis hall of the University’s Post graduate School complex. In the opening word from the Board Chair of FONDUDs, Mr. Jacob Sindze highlighted the values of the partnership and journey so far in boosting the infrastructural and academic progress of the University of Dschang. He also underlined the tenets of the new partners in the development of the institution. This partnership however aims to improve the socio-educational framework and the sustainable development of human capital formation within the framework of an original implementation of the public-private partnership. As such there is urgent need to support the considerable efforts of the State in terms of financing infrastructural, logistical and heuristic development in order to continue to guarantee the institution’s teaching and research quality and increase its influence internationally.
The Board Chair of ADN, Mr. André Gallo AZAMBOU in his speech during the event emphasized on the role his organization was to play which involved favouring socio economic development of Africa and the diaspora by ensuring the mobilization of resources and expertise around innovative socio economic projects. For Dschang it had as indirectly support to the foundation through linking the Dschang Council to municipalities in the USA and Canada for mutualization of resources, funding, communication, image sharing, developing socio finance platform, connecting with other foundations and business partners among others. The board chair emphasized that there was need for a follow up for the realization of such projects.
Before the signing of the agreement, the Vice chancellor, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso lauded the initiative and stated that “ FONDUDs is a dream come true ». He indicated that one of the objectives during its creation was to collect and allocate resources to contribute to the development of the institution; as such the partnership is valuable and will help develop the fund raising procedure of the Foundation. The head of the institution, reassured ADN that the Foundation was result-oriented and was ready to work in synergy to ensure the creation of concrete enterprises through its training options./