The distribution ceremony of the Presidential gift
The ambience of recipients
Dschang, UDs/SIC-16/02/18. The students of the University of Dschang could not hide their feelings as they received the long awaited PB HEV laptops today 16th February 2018 at the Amphi 1000 of the University. The selected students who received the first consignment of the Presidential gift had commenced a biometric identification process the previous day. During the distribution ceremony which saw the Minister hand over 48 laptops to the beneficiaries, the ambience at the hall was radiant as each student who received the laptop expressed their feelings possessing the Presidential gift. Here are some excerpts of UDs students.
Abanda Tambi from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
I am so happy because the promise of the Head of State has been fulfilled. It is a dream come true so we are very happy. We seize this opportunity to send a big thank you to the President of the Republic, Minister of Higher Education; Chancellor of Academic Orders and our Vice Chancellor for making our dream come true and facilitating our studies. So we say thank you once more.
Edane Nsako D, President of MUSEC
The feeling I have today is enormous. We say thank you to the President of the Republic for the will to always support and accompany the Cameroonian youth. I also thank the Minister of Higher Education for all the efforts put in place to ensure that the youths be armed with the tools to meet up with the digital world. I say a big thank you to our father, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Dschang and pioneer of the collective dynamism in the University. May he continue to accompany the students to attain higher heights in all aspects.
Djou kuete Seguin,Student Delegate
We are very happy because the Head of State, President Paul Biya has once more kept his promise. Sincere gratitude to the Minister of Higher Education who is ensuring that all Cameroonian Universities profit from this Presidential gesture. We also thank our Vice Chancellor, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso and we are sure that these laptops will improve on our academic performance through its use.
Kuate Foadjo A, student delegate FSEG
I thank the Head of State for his commitment to ensure that the Cameroonian student meets up with the new technology with these laptops. This is a remarkable step for the Cameroonian youth in line with educational strides. I also thank the Minister of Higher Education despite his tight schedule still came to distribute to us these computers.
Kamte Sika Kevin, IUT/FV
We owe gratitude to His Excellency, President Paul Biya for this gesture. The student community greatly appreciate the Minister of Higher Education for distributing the computers and explaining to the students how to use them. This has debunked the views of many who have spread controversial information about the computers. We are very happy with the Head of State and government and we know there is much to come.
Nditagwe Edwin Nkweni Faculty of Law
The long awaited dream of the students of the University of Dschang especially those of the Faculty of Law and Political Science has become a reality today. The Head of State always has the youth at heart and we know the youths are the leaders of tomorrow. These computers will help us work to achieve the Head of State’s Vision of emergence.
Fowan Daniel Pepin, Faculty of Sciences
I am happy because what the President said some years ago is today a reality. Officially today we received our computers; this is overwhelming. We give thumps up to the administration for all the efforts put in place to ensure that Cameroonian students receive this gift. Nonetheless we also hope that the installation of a digital Center by the Chinese as announced by the Minister of Higher Education be put in place on time so that the laptops can be effectively put into use .I thank the President, the Minister ,the VC and all who ensured that we receive these laptops.