“Dschang” Celebrates centenary
UDs hosts Colloquium
Dschang, SIC/UDs 25/10/16. The University of Dschang, on the 25th of October launched a three day colloquium to celebrate the centenary of Dschang under the theme ‘Dschang: A centenary town”. The launching ceremony which began at 10.30 am at the Amphitheatre 1000 brought together, researchers, students, lecturers and Dschang dwellers. The occasion was marked by touching speeches which gave the participants an overview of the centenary event. The Mayor of the Dschang Council represented, expressed joy to host a ceremony of great magnitude. He called on participants from the various regions to seize the opportunity while in Dschang to discover the historic and legendary town which is equally the temple of Knowledge. Professor Maurice Tsalefack, Dean of FLSH/UDs in an introductory address revealed that the three day Colloquium will be remarkable in celebrating education and reinforcing the spirit of collective dynamism. The Dean equally disclosed the fact that during the Colloquium, historians, Geographers, anthropologists, sociologists will bring together aspects that have governed Dschang for the past 100 years. Being elated with the privilege granted Dschang to celebrate its centenary; Professor Tsalefack called on all to make good use of the opportunity to restructure history, learn from the various aspects in order to enhance knowledge. The Vice Chancellor, Professor Roger Tsafack Nanfosso in his launching speech gave a minute of silence for those who lost their lives in the recent Eseka railway accident. The VC expressed his joy and privilege for having his institution host the colloquium and explained that the scientific platform will continue to boost our country in research as the 60 speakers and groups to intervene will bring to light emerging aspects of the Dschang society thereby enhancing knowledge. The VC lauded the multi-disciplinary nature of the colloquium thanked the Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Culture for making the event possible.
The occasion continued at the amphi 1000 courtyard with snapshots to keep memories of the occasion alive followed by a visit at the various stands. The gallery of photos at the stands represented the Arts and culture of Dschang, its nature and landscape, cultural activities, traditional chiefs, City builders among other touching historical presentations of the city. It is worth noting that the exposés during the colloquium will feature under themes like Foundations, migrations and transitions of Dschang, History of space management, Historic figures from Dschang, History of Nationalism, Dschang city and society, Past and present challenges of Dschang, History of Economic dynamism among others during the three day period ./