Dschang Humboldt Kolleg 2021
Presentation of the new Cameroon Humboldt Scientific Ambassador .
DschangUDs/SIC-18/10/2021. After the nomination of Professor Tapondjou Azefack Léon as the new Humboldt scientific ambassador in Cameroon on October 2020, the Cameroonian Humboldtian society decided to organize an official ceremony to present him to the university community to which he belongs. As such, a Humboldt Kolleg (a scientific conference supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) under a multidisciplinary theme seems to be the best platform to serve the purpose. This Humboldt Kolleg is to be held at the University of Dschang from the 20th to 22nd October 2021 under the theme: « Reframing the world after the COVID-19 pandemic: Contribution of African academics ». During these three days meeting, Cameroonian Humbodtians and some other academicians will discuss about the world beyond the covid-19 pandemic. In fact, although the constant minor changes and challenges that animate the political, economic and social aspects of life on earth, the world was thought to be globally stable until December 2019 when the COVID-19 pandemic arrived. This pandemic has strained health care systems to breaking point, put much of the global economy on an indefinite state and radically reshaped societal norms and interactions. The pandemic has also offered a collective glimpse of alternatives and opportunities. As such, the world beyond COVID-19 is going to be very different and looking far ahead after this period of unprecedented change can be challenging. By looking ahead through a new transformative lens, the Dschang Humboldt Kolleg will provide a good platform to project the world beyond COVID-19. The four future working spheres to be discussed during this Dschang meeting are the domains that will fundamentally reshaped the pandemic: How can the medical care systems be re-organized to face the future pandemics? Can the African traditional medicine be reinvented for more consideration in the new world? Can new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of things transform and design a new predicted world? How will politics and social sciences reinvent social contracts in order to change behavior in the new globalization.Anwsers will be gotten at the end of this exchange session.Lbt