Examinations @ UDs
2019/2020 1st semester resit session ongoing
Dschang,UDs/SIC – 15/02/2020.The normal n session for the 1st semester examination for the year 2019/2020 in the University of Dschang unfolded under a serene atmosphere but most students say it is a prelude to another phase of the challenge. This phase is the resitting session which is always observed to give a second chance to students who could not make it in some or all of their courses during the normal session. A more serious look had worn the University Campus as a mob of students gave themselves a second chance which will determine their fate. Different Faculties started off on Thursday the 13th of February 2020 like the Faculty of Economics and Management with no hitches. However, the Faculty of Law and Political Science started earlier on, on Wednesday the 12th at 7:30 am. Professor Joseph Keutcheu, the Vice-Dean of this Faculty says this session will last just for a period of one week after which the results will be published .Mbock Hoigen a Masters one student of this Faculty certifies that the Examinations so far are peaceful. In the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science the resit session starts on the 14th to end on the 20th of February 2020.Professor Watcho Pierre the Vice-Dean in charge of programming says the results will be published at most on the 25th .Both students and teachers of the different Faculties are ready to take up the challenge to ensure that the second chance is indeed an opportunity that is made use of judiciously. LD