Faculty of Science Organizes Conference
The stakes of Mining Sector in the limelight
Dschang SIC/UDs-17/05/17.The University auditorium of campus A Dschang, was full to capacity on Wednesday May 17th 2017 for a conference under the theme “Mining in Cameroon: State of knowledge, technical stakes and perspectives for the development of Major projects”. This conference, first of its kind to be organized by the Faculty of Science under the series of monthly conferences put in place by the University of Dschang with aim of increasing the academic prowess of its students began at 10.52 a.m. With five panelists; specialists in various domains, the three hour conference had a rich package reserved for the knowledge thirsty students. Prof. Ngameni Emmanuel, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences offered a word of welcome during the occasion.
Panelists show prove of expertise
Moderated by Prof Ngoela Sylvere, he went on to introduce the first panelist Mr. Mimbang Aristide Sub Director from the Ministry of Mines, Technology and development ,MINMIDT, who explored the theme ‘State of Knowledge and technical Stakes: Case of the Mining sector in Cameroon. In his expose; Mr. Mimbang brought out the fact that Cameroon is endowed with a great mineral sector which unfortunately is not moving right as 60 percent of the mining sector remains unexplored. So far as he revealed 4 mining permits have been granted but which sadly remains unused. He equally listed some factors hindering development in the sector, revealing steps put in place to make it more attractive and competitive. The second panelist; Prof Kebou Phillippe; a jusrist presented the sub-theme “A reading of new the legal Cameroon mining code promulgated by the Head of State on the 14th December 2016, different views on the former mining code, mechanism for tax collection and the redistribution of added value”. Under this theme, Prof Kebou gave a historical evolution of the mining code and the evolutions put in place to improve on the mining sector. He listed 3 main innovations; innovations related to the conditions of mining activity, sanctions on non-respect of conditions of the mining sector and lastly innovations related to taxes. In spite of these innovations; Prof Kebou revealed the fact that the required mine texts are not yet available for the public. Mr. Chekoua Justin Landry; a worker from FODER presented under the theme, State of governance of Mineral Resources: Case Study; East and Adamawa Regions. In his well detailed expose, Mr: Chekoua shared vital information about the working condition, transparency in giving permits; causes and consequences by Mining companies in the afore mentioned Regions. With a well spelt out methodology to achieve these results Mr Chekoua then rounded up with some recommendations to help Cameroon foster in that domain. Mr. Rodrigue Fofie Lele; former student from University of Dschang in his turn, shared under the topic, Perspectives for the Development of the Mining Sector to implement Important Development Projects in Cameroon. In his presentation filled with numerical details; Mr Fofie gave facts that could render easy the road to development come 2035 if implemented by Mining companies. As examples he explained that 8 million CFA francs could be acquired by the CAPAM project with more than 200 kg of gold gathered a year. He also revealed the fact that if the Mballam iron project were implemented, finances gathered from there would have been able to build the Yaoundé- Douala highway within two years. Though with these fascinating facts, Mr. Fofie concluded rather on a sad note revealing governance and crises as major setbacks to development in this sector. Prof Kwekam Maurice; Geologist from Faculty of Sciences on his part worked on the theme the Map of training in the Mining domain in Cameroon. Case of the University of Dschang. Prof Kwekam Presented a map revealing that almost all State Universities except the University of Yaoundé II offers courses in mining. He compared each of the Universities, proving the strong impact of the University of Dschang in the mining and petroleum domain. The last but not least speaker Mr. Zebaze Herve gave vital information on Mining; training and some enterprises working in the sector. Equally a former student of the University of Dschang; specialized in Petroleum Mr. Zebaze encouraged the geology students through his expose bringing proof of how lucrative the mining sector is. At the end of the exposes by the panelists; a question and answer session followed with satisfactory answers provided by the panelists to the questions from the students and staff present./ GC