FASA Kickstarts with Major Conferences
Agronomic Research and speculative food-crop Agriculture in Cameroon
Dschang,UDs/SIC-08/01/20.The University of Dschang in a bid to foster knowledge on Wednesday 8th of January launched the academic conferences for the 2019/2020 academic year. The Conference hosted by the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (FASA) entitled “Agronomic Research and speculative food-crop Agriculture in Cameroon” had as main speaker Prof. NZIETCHUENG Samuel. To set the ball rolling the representative of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dschang, Prof. Bitom Dieudonné, Dean/FASA thanked the Students especially the speaker who despite his tight schedule made out time for the conference. The moderator, Dr BEYEGUE Honoré on his part proceeded to introducing the main speaker of the day Prof. NZIETCHUENG Samuel a seasoned agronomist, independent consultant, co-founder of the Academy of Science whose expertise is sought after by many both at the national and International level.
Prof. NZIETCHUENG indeed proved his worth when he took up the floor during the conference. He gave much information on the evolution in agronomic research in the past though just with a handful of engineers. Through the collaboration of partners, structures were put in place which worked in the development of Cameroon while the main speaker greatly collaborated at various levels to propel agronomics in different fields. With much experience gathered from the past, Prof. NZIETCHUENG made clear the fact that much money was needed as seed selection is costly. In the past as he explained programs were sustained by partners given the fact that it takes years to get several hybrid varieties. The speaker stressed on the importance of intergenerational solidarity so that some products like cassava, sweet potatoes, cocoyams, maize etc be gotten at a larger quantity. He called on them to join hands, get in contact with experts, to ensure that the present generation will equally have something to offer to others in their turn so as to foster the development of their society. The students, keen in following up Prof. NZIETCHUENG’s lecture later where given the floor during a question and answer session. Satisfaction could be read through the thunderous applause they offered as their concerns the field of speculative food-crop agriculture were met. Prof. Bitom Dieudonné in his closing remarks as representative of the Vice chancellor was greatly impressed by the quality of knowledge shared by Prof. NZIETCHUENG Samuel in the field of agronomy, he promised to create more opportunities to tap from his knowledge. By the end of the conference, there was no doubt that the University of Dschang for the 2019/2020 academic year will forge to higher heights through the various conferences that will follow suit./GC