FASA/UDs hosts Conference
Second generation agricultures: stakes and perspectives
Dschang SIC/UDs-28/06/17.The University of Dschang once again organized a conference at the university auditorium on June 28th 2017 under the theme Second generation agriculture in Cameroon: Stakes and Perspectives. This conference which has become a monthly routine was first of its kind to be organized by the Dschang School of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences under FASA. The two hour conference with rich content provided by panelists of various background; administrators, agriculturalists, and researchers etc was highly attended by students and lecturers from the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (FASA) as well as the other faculties. After an opening word by the Dean of FASA Prof. Mvondo Ze Antoine, the panelists presented preliminary information about Second generation Agriculture which was moderated by Prof Emile Temgoua. The moderator stated that the concept of Second generation agriculture is often misunderstood; he however explained that it was the heartbeat of the Head of State to see Cameroon move from 97% of traditional agriculture to a more modernized one which will serve as a tool in fighting against poverty and joblessness.
The floor was then given to the first panelist for the day Prof Mvondo Awono Jean Pierre, lecturer and researcher at FASA (Coordinator FMBEE Ebolowa, recently appointed Dean of the faculty of sciences of the University of Ngaoundéré) who shared on the sub theme Training in the Agricultural Field in Cameroon: The existing and Possibilities. Evoking the fact that agriculture is a sure factor for development, Prof Awono explained that Cameroon’s self-sufficiency in food items witnessed in the 80s has greatly reduced as it today imports rice worth 150 billion CFA frs as was the case last year. He evoked the fact that professionalization of farmers and the use of good technical material which is the mind behind second generation agriculture will favourably reverse the situation. In an era of modern agriculture, Prof Mvondo Awono revealed that the need to inculcate innovative material, use of fertilizers, subventions and propelling success stories are of utmost importance. Talking about success story the second panelist to be given the floor; Mr. Akenji Jean Marie a botanist and specialist in the cultivation of adam fruits and straw berry was one. Mr. Akenji in a very relaxed tone presented the fascinating reasons that led him to choosing the agricultural field and equally the enormous difficulties encountered and rounded up providing solutions. The last but not the least panelist for the day, Mr. Benard Njonga an Agriculturalist and political activist thrilled the crowd with his rich statistical information provided about second generation agriculture. Agreeing on the previous definitions of second generation agriculture being leaving behind rudimentary tools, using high quality seeds which will lead to high productivity, increased mechanization, Mr. Njonga brought to evidence the shortcomings of this form of agriculture and suggested forty measures to promote agricultural breakthrough in Cameroon which he unfortunately could dish out only seven due to time constraints. The conference indeed saw a new and interesting phase with the stream of questions that followed suit. Inputs were provided by each of the panelists to throw more light to the concerns of the students and other visitors. Generally there was active participation from most members making them panelists an initiative which was highly applauded.
The Vice Chancellor Prof Tsafack Nanfosso in his closing remarks expressed joy and satisfaction for the rich quality of the conference. He equally erased every trace of pessimism that had arising in the course of the debate by praising the tangible work carried out by FASA in the course of the years. At the end of the conference, students departed not only getting ample knowledge about second generation agriculture but were equally more determined to do exploits in the agricultural field. GC