General Assembly 2021/2022 Academic year
Non-teaching Staff urged to more industrious
Dschang,UDs/SIC-6/10/21.In spite of the heavy rains that poured over the town of Dschang on Wednesday 6th October 2021, the non-teaching staff of the University of Dschang turned out in great numbers at the Conference center for their General Assembly. Presided over by the VC, Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso, the AGM had the following salient points; Key note on the fight against COVID-19, speech by VC and exchange sessions.
Prof. Kouanfack Charles, lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences set the ball rolling by providing glaring information on the epidemiology of the pandemic, the vaccine and its benefits. He it made known that 66% of vaccinated people will create an immunity but unfortunately according to WHO Cameroon registers only 2.39% of vaccinated people. Prof. Kouanfack corroborated on this fact by explaining that out of 13 million Cameroonians eligible for the vaccine a total of above 12 million are still not vaccinated. He wiped out all superstitious believes as concerns the vaccine encouraging everyone to go in for it given that it stands as the only method which can eradicate 90% of serious cases of COVID .
In the same light in ensuring a sane campus, the VC then came up with his word for the day focused on the academic cycle and work conditions. Prof. Nanfosso disclosed the increasing number of 4833 new students registered at UDs this year. As concerns working conditions, he applauded the workers who had benefited from advancement, reclassification and also the 12 who were awarded medals. The VC however frowned at the 3 disciplinary cases .The same impression was shared as concerns the insurance which have been a great relieve to 122 people this year. The VC however beckoned staff seek for insurance help only for complicated health issues. He reiterated the fact that Covid-19 still stands as a threat at UDs as recently tests indicate 5 % infected .Prof Roger Tsafack made known that measures will be put in place to relaunch sporting activities which have been in hibernation due to the pandemic. In a general note Prof. Nanfosso informed the staff on the FONDUDs fundraising scheduled for December which will be done in partnership with GICAM. He cautioned staff on the use of social media and encouraged tree planting. With a number of 634 non-teaching staff at UDs, the VC rounded up his speech on a satisfactory note “I am fortunate to have you. Together we should make UDS to shine ».
A question and answer session followed suit as satisfactory answers were given and a meal shared. The non-teaching staff of UDs on this note left the Conference center with much zeal to collaborate in lifting up the banner of success of the University for the 2021/2022 academic year/. GC