General Assembly, CRUFAOCI
UDs a citadel for knowledge brewing
Dschang UDs/SIC-19/02/18.First of its kind to be held in a Cameroonian University far from the capital, the University of Dschang had the prime opportunity to host the Conference for Rectors of African and Indian Ocean Francophone Universities (CRUFAOCI). The launching ceremony of the four day conference took place at the Amphi 1000 of the University of Dschang at 12 noon amidst dignitaries and other custodians of knowledge. The ceremony highly characterized by speeches was presided over by the Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders,President of Council of Minister of CAMES, Prof Jacques Fames Ndongo . The Conference which is aimed at marking a milestone for the consolidation of knowledge among the 13 African countries was represented by the 32 rectors present. Pride of place during the ceremony was given to the Vice Chancellor of the University of Dschang, Prof Tsafack Nanfosso, President of the Organizing committee for a word of welcome. In his highly articulated speech, he revealed great delight for all who in spite of their tight schedule made it to the conference. He went on to present the University of Dschang its structure, policy, administration and achievements ever since its creation in 1993. What stood out was its uniqueness as the only State university situated in 6 of the 10 regions of Cameroon, endowed with income generating groups like the FONDUDS, CATI2, GIE and highly bilingual with qualified staff to meet up with the 28,300 knowledge thirsty students. Prof Tsafack Nanfosso highlighted the fact that the University of Dschang, the pride of the town has been working to produce human capital needed by the nation for the emergence of Cameroon according to its 2035 vision. It was on that note that he wished a blissful stay to all in the legendary town of Dschang.
Authorities of CRUFAOCI present prospects
The highly mediatized and televised CRUFAOCI conference had much to offer to the university population as depicted through the words offered by dignitaries during the launching ceremony. The representative of the Rector of the University Agency of Africa (AUF) gave a rundown of the vision of AUF which equally had a triple task to foster quality research, offer training and ensure good governance. Conscious of the fact that rectors need competence in various fields, the representative of the AUF revealed their collaboration with other agencies to reinforce the digital and financial knowhow of its members. The Secretary General of CAMES Prof Bertrand Mbatchi on his part was all full of gratitude for the massive participation of all to ensure a smooth conference. He showed his appreciation to the Minister of Higher Education for his dynamism, he thanked the head of faculties for participating in organizing CRUFAOCI, and all the rectors of the Universities in Cameroon for their input. Prof Mbatchi gave the importance of the conference as an occasion to take stock of the achievements of previous conferences and equally make their presence felt in a globalized world. He equally gave highlights of decisions arrived at Cote D’Ivoire 2015 and Senegal 2017 as concerns their strategic plans. He equally spelt out their achievements at the national and International levels in ensuring quality insurance and an entrepreneurial spirit ‘The network needs to enjoy the blessings of each of its members; we need to seek ways to make ourselves more useful’. The President of CRUFAOCI Prof Mahamout YAYA, on his part in his rather brief but enriching speech, paid homage to the Head of States for accepting that the meeting takes place, to the Minister of Higher Education for his availability in taking part in their meetings and to the Vice Chancellor Prof Tsafack Nanfosso for spontaneously accepting to host the conference. He gave a retrospective view of the activities carried out within the past three years which included workshops on quality insurance and internal evaluation among others. While being optimistic for an enriching conference, the president of CRUFAOCI indulged his colleagues to put in additional effort to meet up with their objectives.
Minister declares the conference open
The Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders in his poetic speech extended warm greetings to all who made it for the CRUFAOCI conference in Dschang. The minister was elated for the fact that CRUFAOCI had trusted Dschang and Cameroon at large to host the 2018 edition of the event. He thanked the AUF for the university governance and saluted the proactivity of the rectors. The Chancellor of academic orders equally extended special appreciation to Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso who as he it put, has brought in lyrics to the music resounding in the hall. After revealing the benefits of the conference, the Minister made known the fact that Cameroon is involved in consolidating a university governance of ‘new public management which is a new paradigm of management carried out to domesticate what is known as the 3rd generation university. He assured the members of CRUFAOCI that their choice to have the conference in Dschang was well thought of given the bilingual nature of the university and the country with two sub-systems which harmoniously co-habit. CRUFAOCI is in a laboratory to exploit diversity to bring up growth the minister affirmed. He assured all present that an improvement of governance will be visible at the end of the conference and Dschang will be inscribed in the annals of CRUFAOCI. It was therefore on that optimistic note the Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders declared open the 2018 General Assembly of CRUFAOCI in Dschang. It is expected that at the end of the four days of the conference characterized by workshops enriching decisions will be arrived at and a new bureau elected to shape the affairs of the Assembly/GC.