Ebolowa 2017
General Assemby in FMBEE Ebolowa
Dschang-SIC/07/01/17: Sequel to the visit of the VC/UDs and his delegation to Ebolowa and mindful of the credo and catchphrase of Pr. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso, “on est ensemble”, meaning we are together, the VC and members of the Chancellery council took time off their highly fitted schedules to exchange with the teaching staff, non-teaching staff and most importantly students for almost 2 hours in the main hall of CRA (FMBEE).The session opened with a summary presentation of the activities of the just ended academic year by the coordinator of FMBEE, Pr. Mvondo Awono, where he expounded the salient accomplishments of the institution. Among others, he lauded the VC for choosing FMBEE and went further to present his institution as well as the snags faced by his institution. He cited among others shortage of permanent lecturers, delays in treating files and documents between the central administration in Dschang and FMBEE. He reassured the entire assembly that everything is on the right alleyway, especially as one of their greatest problem-infrastructure has been resolved by delocalizing the campus to a new ultra-modern site. Students on their part pleaded with the VC to be frequenting their campus and that socio-cultural, academic and sports facilities should be bolstered. Retorting to the above anxieties, the VC applauded them for presenting their worries, which he pointed out that a problem shared is a problem half solved. He assured the entire institution that they are aware of the worries and that such problems are not endemic in Ebolowa, but is a general problem. He further reprimanded the fact that FMBEE alone has more than 120 part-time teachers and the fact that some units have only 4 students. He said UDs believes in quality, not quantity, meaning that the number of part-time teachers will be reduced and those Units having small number of students will either be merged or suspended, till a reasonable number is obtained. This general assembly ended on a very positive note, with students fulfilled with joy and the administration feeling accomplished./MRZ