Installation ceremony
33 newly appointed to the 35 posts assume office
Dschang,UDs/SIC-16/03/18. The 16th of March 2018 brought together Divisional authorities, members of the University community, guests, and family members among others to grace the installation ceremony of the 33 newly promoted staff of the University by Ministerial order 18-00006/MINESUP of 7th March 2018. The newly appointed staff to the 35 posts seems to be a square peck in a square hole as it adequately fills the yearning needs of the institution in the aspect of human capacity. The ceremony which took place at the University Conference Hall at 2:30pm witnessed the installation of 6 deputy directors (Chief of divisions and Vice deans), 18 assistant directors and 9 service heads into their respective positions by the Vice Chancellor, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso .
FMPS/UDs fortified with 12 staff
The Minister’s appointment effectively brewed the needed qualitative and quantitative staff force to fortify the newly created Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences as 12 of the 33 promoted staff occupy posts in the Faculty. It is worth mentioning that the Faculty has undergone a tremendous push in its academic sphere since its creation by the Head of State on the 24th of November 2017. Within three months, a dean of the Faculty has been appointed (on the 14th of January 2018, Prof Simone Pierre Choukem) and installed on the 29th January 2018. In the same light, the building to host the faculty was commissioned by the Minister of Higher Education on the 19th January 2018, and results of the official entrance examination published on the 17th February 2018 as well as official lectures kick started on the 26th February 2018. This newest faculty held its first inaugural conference on the 9th March 2018 with its students and on the 16th of March 2018 received 12 more staff to its man power (3 vice deans, 6 heads of departments, and 3 heads of service). This human input will definitely propel the Faculty to greater academic heights and improve on the status of the institution in Cameroon, Africa and the world at large.
UDs/PG School in a new dimension
To maintain excellence of the University’s Post Graduate school, restructuring the research centers by appointing qualified personnel to animate the centers was paramount. The creation of the PhD School, Dschang School of … and research centers as well as unit of research brought the option for the creation of the posts of directors and permanent secretaries. Out of the 33 appointed to office, 10 staff were affected to the studies and research centers of the PG school as Directors and permanent secretaries; in Arts and Humanities, Law and Development, Management and Economy, Valorization of Natural Resources and Technologies, and in Agronomy and biodiversity. This added value in man power will obviously showcase competence and project the scientific prowess of the institution in all its fields. The central administration and other faculties were not left out by the Minister, as the central administration had 5 newly promoted staff, FASA/UDs-had 4, the Faculty of Sciences 1, the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences 1, and the University Institute of Technology FV had one promoted staff.