Installation ceremony
31 newly promoted staff pledge their commitment
Dschang,UDs/SIC-28/09/18.On Friday 28th September2018, the Amphitheatre 1000 of campus A of the University of Dschang played host to the university community, invitees and family members who came to witness the installation of the newly appointed officials at the University of Dschang. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Dschang Prof. Tsafack Nanfosso in his installation speech made it clear the quantitative and qualitative input were expected from the newly promoted. Among the 31 appointed staff were Directors of research centers, Chiefs of Divisions, Chiefs of antennae and Heads of Departments. The newly created Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences was not left out as it had a Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs. The VC admonished the newly appointed staff that the Minister of Higher Education bestows his confidence in them and intends to have the internal resources of the University of Dschang enriched by their work. He enjoined them to adopt the collective dynamics governing the University of Dschang. The VC equally instructed them to scrupulously do their work in line with available texts. He emphasized on a double carriage way of constructive contributions and information as the hierarchy cannot have information if they are not given. “The minister has put you at the limelight. You have to prove he did not make a mistake” the VC reiterated. The newly appointed received congratulatory handshakes from University authorities and gifts from members of their families. The event ended on a good note and ushered in a new breed of people to take over decisive positions to foster work at the University of Dschang. /GC