Installation ceremony
UDs welcomes new Council Chair
Dschang,UDs/SIC-25/07/19.The Amphi 1000 of the University of Dschang on Wednesday 24th July 2019 was full with administrative, academic and traditional authorities who came to witness the installation ceremony of the new Council Chair of the University of Dschang, Prof. Paul Célestin Ndembiyembe. The occasion, presided over by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education and Chancellor of Academic Orders, Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo was first of its kind to be witnessed in this University institution. With a program made up of speeches, the reading of Presidential decree n°2019/373 of 11th July 2019 appointing the new Council Chair by the Head of the Communication Unit of MINESUP, Dr. Jean Paul Mbia was of utmost importance. The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso in his welcome speech wished a hearty welcome to other administrative authorities to the occasion that gave a new facelift to the University. Congratulating the new Council chair for this appointment, the Vice-Chancellor seized the opportunity to recall of the history of UDs, created in 1993, presently having 29.517 students and most widely located nationally. Informing of the leitmotif of UDs, which is Collective Dynamics, which encourages success through team work, the Vice-Chancellor thanked Prof Sammy Beban Chumbow, outgoing Council chair of UDs for the immense work carried out during his 5 years of service at UDs as Council chair. The ceremony was indeed a memorable one spiced by melodious songs by the University choir and presentation of gifts to the incoming and outgoing Council chairs by the University and family members. With a rich entourage of top governmental officials like the Governor of the West Region Mr Augustine Awa Fonka, the Divisional Officer and Sub-Divisional officer, during the installation proceeded to the inauguration of the post graduate block a project of the FONDUDs. It was indeed a two in one ceremony that showed proof of the progress and dynamism of the University of Dschang in its quest for Excellence./
Minister of State lauds new Council Chair
Dschang,UDs/SIC-25/07/19. The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education’s installed the new Council Chair in style. In his eloquent and bilingual speech, Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo made it clear that he came to materialize the presidential wish by solemnly installing the Council Chair. The Minister thanked the outgoing Council Chair for the preservation of peace on campus and talent with which he worked with the Vice-Chancellor to attain the success witnessed. The new Council Chair as the Minister mentioned, comes to take over the work of an icon. However from his expertise as read from his biography, there was no doubt that he will meet up with the expectations of the Head of State. With a rich academic and job profile as University professor with PhD in Sociology in communication, the former parliamentarian, and traditional chief from Mbam and Inoubou had all the assets to provide a special touch to UDs. The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education called on the new Council chair to practice equity in the management of resources, teamwork, social dialogue an inclusion of all the people of UDs. Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo admonished Prof. Paul Célestin Ndembiyembe to consolidate the trust bestowed upon him, be creative and imaginative and serve the Ministry of Higher Education through the University of Dschang. With the quest of excellence inscribed in the DNA of UDs as declared by the Minister of State, with icons to copy from and with a win-win team with Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso, the University of Dschang had every reason to celebrate during the installation as they are bound to step up into another level of greatness with the new Council Chair./ GC