Installation of top university officials
Newly appointed take over their positions of authority
Dschang,UDs/SIC-11/07/17.The Presidential decrees no2017/319 and 2017/320 of 27th June 2017 appointing som top university authorities was actualized on Monday July 10th 2017 during the occasion of the official installation of the newly appointed staff of the University of Dschang. The immense occasion which took place at 2:20 pm at the Amphi 1000 brought together administrative; traditional, academic officials, family members and other well-wishers. According to the reading of the said decrees by Dr. Alexandre Djimeli, Chief of Service for Information and Conferences, the newly appointed for the prestigious positions included two deputy Vice Chancellors, one registrar, one technical adviser, 3 directors and one dean. The head of the Institution, Prof Tsafack Nanfosso in his installation speech described the occasion as a milestone for the 2017 academic year during which the career of the newly appointed saw another phase. He welcomed the 8 newly appointed staff and applauded the efforts of those on retirement and others appointed to different post elsewhere. The Vice Chancellor further gave vital information about the University of Dschang highlighting that it has a population of 29,584 students with 618 non-teaching staff and 514 lecturers,. He informed the newly appointed and other listeners about the university’s national stature as compared to other State Universities as it is present through its antennae and annex in 6 of the 10 regions of Cameroon. Having received the trust of the Head of State to have been chosen amongst 25 million Cameroonians, without any doubt that the newly appointed will meet up with the task, he invited the newly appointed to join in the collective dynamism spirit which is all about Our willingness to work in the same spirit of team work, respect of hierarchy in order to meet up with the work expected by the society. Prof Tsafack equally encouraged the newly appointed to work towards strengthening the university at the external level by promoting the activities of GIE/SA and FONDUDs. Being at the end of the academic year, The VC then rounded up his speech by giving highlights about the academic program of the University of Dschang on the 3rd of August 2017 with the handing over of attestation of results and 9226 certificates obtained over the years by the Minister of higher Education. With back to school scheduled for the 28th of September 2017 Prof Tsafack Nanfosso called upon the newly appointed to present realistic projects which matches with the vision of the Ministry of Higher Education and that of the University of Dschang. The VC then officially presented the newly appointed and installed them in their new positions. Presentations of gifts by the University to the outgoing authorities and gifts to the incoming by the university and other family members followed suit. The occasion ended in grandstyle and there is hope that the newly appointed will bring in a new touch that will keep the University in its peak of success. GC.