The Inter Faculty competition
Motivation behind the Championship
Dschang, UDs/SIC.01/02/17. The first edition of the Interfaculty competition which drew together over 300 athletes, artists and participants from the different faculties of the University of Dschang came to its solemn end on the 1st of February 2017 at the Catapult stadium of the University of Campus A after a wonderful display of sporting and artistic skills from the participants during this sporting jamboree. During an interview with the press, the Vice Chancellor, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso in english with respect to bilingualism addressed media officials on the motivation behind the change of the name from Rector’s Cup to Inter Faculty Competition. He stated that two guiding principles were behind such a change; first, he considered the Rector’s cup as a competition for the entire university community as such he deemed it necessary to have a change of name, secondly he believes all resources had to be put together in order to strengthen the collective dynamism put in place since his appointment in office, « …all in the perspective of choosing the best athletes during this colourful competition for the forth coming University games slated for the University of Bamenda this year. The unique way to go about this in my humble opinion is to be sure that all faculties and institutes of the University take active part in the championship at all levels. I do hope that at the end of this competition the coaches and technical team have an array of prospective athletes and best sportsmen to choose from for the next University games this year. The Vice Chancellor added that with the Inter Faculty games the choice was broader because all the faculties were obliged to partake by choosing amongst their students those who possess a rubost sporting spirit in the various disciplines. The VC hoped that, such a venue will bring out the best individual and collective athletes as far as University games are concerned.