International Cooperation
Official visit of the UDs Vice-Chancellor and his team to Brazil
Brazil, UDs- 10/11/2021. The Vice Chancellor Prof Roger TSAFACK NANFOSSO, along with the Dean of the Faculty of Science Prof Emmanuel NGAMENI, and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences Prof Simeon Pierre CHOUKEM arrived in Brasilia on Monday 8 November 2021. They were warmly welcomed by the Ambassador of Cameroon in Brazil HE Mr Martin MBENG and his two closest collaborators, the First Counsellor Dr Paulin Martial TCHENZETTE, and the First Secretary Mr Francis SEME. The first day of the visit was dedicated to the audience at the Ministry of Education of Brazil, and a visit to the Embassy of Cameroon in Brazil. The Vice Chancellor and the Ambassador with their respective teams were received by the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Education Charge of Higher Education, Dr Wagner Vilas Boas De SOUZA and his collaborators. After a word of welcome and introduction of his collaborators by the Minister, The Ambassador presented the main reasons of the visit and introduced the Cameroon team. The Vice Chancellor then took over; he conveyed the greetings from the Cameroon Minister of State Minister of Higher Education Prof Jacques FAME NDONGO to his Brazilian Colleague. He then presented in a nutshell the Cameroon higher education system, the University of Dschang, and the ongoing cooperation between the University of Dschang in Cameroon and the Federal University of Para in Brazil; the implementation of the content of the memorandum of understanding previously signed between the two universities has driven this visit. He wished to start with the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Dschang, which seem to have main correspondents in the University of Para.The Minister and his deputy presented the higher education system in Brazil: 69 federal universities and 3000 private universities, with a total of 8.700.000 students. They have made a search to find out that there were 53 Cameroonians in the Federal University for Integration of Lusophone Countries. The Minister was very pleased to see the cooperation operational, and clearly wished an extension to agronomy which many Brazilian universities excel in. He called the Rector of the University of Para who is a good friend of him. His final suggestion to the University of Dschang was to select all Brazilian universities of interest to them, then let him know so that he would organise a visit to Dschang for building a greater cooperation. The visit ended with the gift to the Minister by the Vice Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor and his team were warmly welcomed by the Ambassador and his team. The Ambassador in person presented the Embassy, which is the property of our country; he conducted the visit and introduced all his collaborators. The Vice Chancellor then handed the gifts to the Ambassador. The afternoon ended with a delicious lunch offered by the Ambassador and Madam at the Residency of Cameroon in Brazil./ SPC