International Women day 2017
UDs kick starts with splendor
Dschang, SIC/UDs-01/03/17.The women of the University of Dschang like their counterparts nationwide have been greatly involved in activities in view of the International Women’s Day slated for March 8th 2017. The activities for the 2017 edition which has as theme “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030” were launched at the University Auditorium on Thursday 4th of March 2016 in the presence of the teaching and non-teaching female staff and other university authorities. Salient moments during the ceremony included a word from the University Registrar, presentation of the IWD ‘fabric’ to the University women and the launching address by the Vice Chancellor. The two hour occasion was animated by the university women through their songs advocating development, peace and togetherness among other virtues. The registrar, Prof Marthe Edande Abollo in her stylish sewn 8th March uniform gave precise information on the theme for the year, calling on women to work hand in glove to facilitate the parity envisaged for 2030. The 8th March ‘fabric’ was then handed over by the Vice Chancellor represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof Mpoame Mbida and was received on behalf of the women by the presidents of the non-teaching and teaching female staff Mme Tamaze Marie and Prof Wansi Sylvie respectively. The VC in his address assured the women of the continuous support of the university in their activities and their place in dynamic administration of the University. He called on the university women to remain steadfast in promoting the spirit of togetherness and portray positive character. At the end of the first part of the ceremony which ended with a family photo, an enriching round table conference kick started during which themes like Gender, challenges and perspectives, Forms and causes of integration between the men and women in the work world, Women and health, Women and second generation agriculture, Strategies to improve on the situation of the woman and girl child, and women and scientific courses were discussed by university women, experts in the field. It is worth noting that the launching ceremony marked the beginning of a weeklong activity characterized by free health campaigns, exhibition of dishes from the 10 Regions of Cameroon, cultural evening, capacity building and sporting exercises among other activities/
Exhibition glamour
UDs female staff thrill crowd

Artistic display by Prof Wansi Sylvie during the occassion
Non-teaching and teaching female staff of the University today, 6th of March 2017 thrilled the public of Dschang with their mouthwatering cuisine and singing prowess during the gastronomy day celebration. The presence of the Vice Chancellor,Prof Tsafack Roger Nanfosso and members of the Chancellery council as well as the wife of the SDO of the menoua added glamour to the occasion. An exotic display of the 10 regional cuisines of the country was a site of attraction as members of the university community availed themselves of the opportunity to taste the various delicacies at affordable prices. The event was animated by the university orchestra with melodic tunes presented to the satisfaction of those present .The staff showed energetic and skillful display of their dancing talents to the amazement of the audience. The ceremony continued with the presentation of special numbers by female staff of the university amidst applauds from the public. Is it indeed a galore of talents as the women folk showcased hidden talents that the academic world was ignorant of. The event continued with a cultural evening where sketches, poems, fashion parade are to crowned the day in grandstlye. Activities continue tomorrow 7th with capacity building and sporting activities which will lead to the D day proper of 8th march 2017 as the female staff of the University continue to show to the world what they are really made off./