Launching Ceremony of Operation one citizen one tree in Cameroon
Kicks off in grand style
Dschang,UDs/SIC-08/08/20.The official launching of the project one citizen one tree in Cameroon kick started in grand style in a view to plant 1000 trees of different species at the Campus G of the University of Dschang. The event took place on August 8th 2020 at 9.a.m in the presence of administrative, University, Financial and Ministerial dignitaries. The aim of the project being to conserve biodiversity through the creation of a botanical garden covering 13.72 hectares and the planting of 25000 trees within a period of 5 years (2020-2024) saw a massive participation of students of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. The presentation of the Botanical Garden concept and the plot by Dr Temgoua Lucie set the pace, during which she explained the plots and their various allotted functions. This was later followed by the visit of the subscribers and partners’ board presented by Engineer Zanguim who outlined the number of financial and technical partners involved in the project and later a presentation of the progress report by Miss Mendoua Felicia a student intern. Next was the segment of the official planting of a tree which was kick started by the Vice-Chancellor himself, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso and the Mayor of Dschang Council, Mr Jaquis Kemleu and was later followed by other Financial and Technical partners. A guided tour was effectuated by the VC to ensure all partners had planted a tree.
After the first planting session, a visit to the Botanical Garden then followed under the supervision of Mr Tassamba after which the planting of different species of trees was carried out in the various dedicated areas by subscribers among others. The second phase of the event witnessed a word from the representative of the Technical partners, Mr Sime Christain from ANAFOR who pledged the support of the technical partners outlining the role played by ANAFOR in the project … our support to this project consisted of 600 Forest plant seedlings followed by the supervision of the planting with the presence of our young cadet students of the university. We also revisited the practical modalities of the planting process to the satisfaction of the Dean of the Faculty… the representative stated. The representative of the Financial partners, the Managing Director of Afriland Firstbank, President of the Assocaition of Banks in Cameroon, stated that the bank assures the mobilization of more partners to support the project and he supported the subcription worth 500.000frs. Then came a word from the Dschang Lord Mayor, Mr Jaquis Kamleu who assured the role of the Council in the project in producing manure for the plants and supporting with a subscription of a million frs from the Council and a personal Subscription of 500,000 frs CFa. In his closing remarks, the Vice chancellor, Prof Roger Tsafack Nanfosso called on all to be Ambassadors to such a benefiting project as it will serve as a conservation, research / training and recreation centers for the institution and nation at large. The event ended with interviews of key dignitaries and a family picture to immortalize the event. The project is a commencement for a more dynamic and realizable vision of the University in the years ahead./