UDs extends New Year wishes
Yaoundé-UDs/SIC-31/01/18.The traditional ceremony for the presentation of New Year wishes to the Minister of Higher Education, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo, Chancellor of Academic Orders took place in grand style on Wednesday January 31st, 2018 at the Amphi 700 of the University of Yaoundé 1. Gathering over 700 university staff from the public and private Higher Institutes of learning, the ceremony which started at 10:00 a.m had as key points, decoration of outstanding workers, presentation of newly promoted, speeches and the presentation of wishes proper. Pride of place was given to honour and five brilliant Cameroonian were decorated, one to the Commander of Valour, two to the titles of Order of Valor and two to the Officers of Valor among whom was the former Registrar of UDs Prof Marthe Edande Abolo. Six (6) workers from the Central Service of the Ministry of Higher Education were then congratulated after which sixteen (16) meritorious staff who distinguished themselves through punctuality and assiduity were also appreciated. The turn then came for promoted lecturers to be officially revealed, Prof Omgba Laurent Richard of DDES who led this phase made it clear that for the year 2017 a total number of 718 lecturers applied for a change of grade among whom where 335 Assistant lecturers, 269 senior lecturers and 84 Associate Professors. From this number 326 out of 355 were promoted as senior lecturers bringing forth a 91.83% of success. 138 out of 296 were promoted to the grade of Associate professors giving a 49.46% success rate while 42 Associate professors were promoted to the rank of full Professors resulting to a 50% success rate . Altogether 506 lecturers were promoted leading to a 70.47% success, it is worth noting that 12 lecturers from the University of Dschang were promoted to the rank of Associate professors while two (2) officially became full professors. This phase was followed by a speech from the acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education Prof Wilfred Nyougbet Gabga who gave an overview of 2017 and prospective for 2018 which came in the domain of infrastructure, academic training among others. Appreciating the Head of State for the newly created education centers, the SG assured all they will soon be operational and pledged unwavering support to the Minister at a time the Educational system is being threatened by secessionist.