Ministerial order of 21st August 2017
UDs installs 50 newly appointed staff
Dschang SIC/UDs 31-08-17.The University of Dschang on August 31st 2017, proceeded with the installation ceremony of the newly promoted staff appointed following ministerial order of 21st August 2017. The ceremony which took place at 11. Am at the Amphi 1000 had as salient moments the VC’s speech and the installation proper all interspaced with beautiful music offered by the University orchestra. To set the ball rolling, the reading of the ministerial order by the Chief of Information Unit, Dr. Djimeli Alexander permitted participants not only to see but have ample information about the 50 staff identified and promoted by the Minister of Higher Education. The Vice Chancellor Prof. Roger Tsafack Nanfosso during his installation speech praised the newly appointed among whom 39 were promoted to higher positions, 14 were already in service and 6 had come from different institutions to reinforce the work force of the university. The VC assured the promoted staff that their integration will be harmonious in order to promote the spirit of collective dynamism which as he spelt out was working together in respect of hierarchy in order to achieve expected results. He encouraged them to practice assiduity, equity and respect of hierarchy. After expatiating on these key terms, the VC made it clear to the newly appointed that he counts on them admonishing them not to be pointed out negatively. The VC in a pedagogic tone invited the appointed to speak out and suggest when need, adopt creativity putting aside routine but fixing specific and measurable objectives. He assured them of the University’s support with the allusion of all being in the same ship, with co-responsibilities. It was on these words of counsel that the VC solemnly installed the Directors, Sub directors, Heads of Departments, Chiefs of service and all the appointed in different positions of responsibilities. The newly appointed then received the congratulations of the University and divisional authorities through a hand shake. The installation of the newly appointed staff in the University of Dschang will help guide the ascension the academic realm./GC